Notification Date question

Can anyone advise when expected notifications will be sent regarding acceptance letters for the BFA MT program this year. My D auditioned at Chicago earlier this month and was wondering if others have heard any updates on notification timing?

I auditioned on campus this past friday for MT and they said all decisions would be released the same day about a week after their last audition date which is March 17!

Last auditions are done. We are ready to know!!!

My daughter got her waitlist email on March 19.

We are waiting on Acting. Anyone else?

My D received a phone call last night for acting. Still waiting on MT

No word here. Not sure if that’s good or bad. Have not heard of anyone on an Acting waitlist either. Does anyone know if they are still contacting?

No word here either yet.

Did anyone get an email around a month or so after the audition to tell them a bit more about the program, and ask if they were still interested? My daughter got this email, just wondering if it went out to everyone. She auditioned for acting at Chicago Unifieds.

@chirodoc18 We did not – but our process was a bit different. D was a walk in at Chicago Unified and then asked to come for campus audition which she did in Feb. This seemingly went well but who knows. I really just wish these schools would release results at the same time – yes, no, maybe – all at once via email. If she is in then would love to visit next week during spring break, as we are with her other options, but we have no idea where she stands. UGH!

Yes, it would be nice. This is the last college decision BFA program we are waiting to hear from. I am guessing we will know by the end of the day Monday since their last audition was a week ago today.

Nothing again today. The very last school we are waiting on…

Nothing here either. Arrgggggggg!!!

Nothing again today. :frowning: I thought for sure by the end of today!

Just found out D was waitlisted for the BFA in acting.

is anyone still waiting??

my D was accepted 3/19 after Chicago Unifieds and has to have decision in by 4/15. I hope this helps those still waiting.

I guess that means waitlisted people will start to hear after 4/15. Thanks!

D was asked to give a decision by April, 7th. She did today, and hopefully someone on the waitlist will find out about their acceptance soon, as she decided it was a no for her…

@chirodoc18 was your notification via email?