
<p>Congratulations to you guys!!</p>

<p>I have 2130 SAT, but I’m an international requiring financial aid, so not surprised to get rejected.</p>

<p>Yeah I think they reject a lot of people based off of financial aid. My EFC is so low yet I am a white female from the west coast so the odds were definitely against me. Other people at my school with lower stats but no need got in.</p>

<p>@thirdplanet… unfortunately you observation is right about CC. Same thing last year with my S. His classmates with WAY lower stats but no need all got in. You will get in somewhere else great… I’m sure:)</p>

<p>I was accepted with a 2280 SAT. Two other qualified students from my high school (Public West Coast School) were waitlisted.</p>

<p>Accepted with a 34 ACT</p>

<p>just a quick thing about the FA and admissions for any propsies who see this thread, don’t be deterred from applying if you have need. from what others are saying, CC does seem to prefer students who can pay. however, this year CC became a QuestBridge school, which is an organization dedicated to helping low-income students go to top tier schools. this means CC is committed to admitting more low-income applicants. plus, if you do get in, the aid is amazing.</p>

<p>I think it is important to step back and realize something when we compare ACTs for these very selective schools. While a 32 is better than a 30, it is more important to demonstrate your love of your top school through essays, visits, doing the interviews, and engaging the counselors when you have thoughtful questions. I am not an admissions counselor but if I am looking at two similar apps, one a 32 who I don’t really have a clear sense of, and the other a 30 that I can feel is passionate for the school, I am taking the 30 every time. If you look at the range of any of these elite schools, none of the middle 50 percent are 34-35. They all take their share of low 30s and even high 20s. I think we just get carried away with the stats and don’t focus on the subjective enough. </p>

<p>I am a dad with two sons who have been through the process and it seems that this has been the case. We have had happy days with big envelopes, we’ve had the buzz-kill dinners after getting the small envelopes. I am sorry to those of you who did have your hearts set on CC and it didn’t work out, but don’t lose perspective. If you we’re a contender for CC, there are plenty of great schools that will love to have you and that. You will be just as happy if not happier. After all, YOU ARE GOING TO COLLEGE!!! Stay excited, it will probably be the best 4-6 years of your life. I’ll get off my soapbox now!</p>

<p>I was rejected with a 3.9 GPA, a 2230 SAT, an interview, a visit, and ridiculous amounts of interest. My essays were great and I’m captain of my team of which I’ve been a varsity member since my sophomore year and I started participating in 8th grade. I took 10 AP classes, am a member of NHS, and volunteered abroad and in my community. I worked my ass off and made it clear to CC that, after touring over fifteen schools, it was the only school I wanted to go to. I was qualified to attend CC. I would warn others with need to avoid CC because they didn’t admit me based on need but they sure took my $70 application fee.</p>

<p>clivingston, definitely don’t say that…first off, you don’t know that need is why they didn’t accept you. and like i said, i got in (with way worse stats) and they gave me a full ride in grant money cause that’s how poor i am. pretty much everyone who went to the MOH got in and most needed a substantial amount of need. maybe they figured you were over qualified and wouldn’t go there? seriously, no one shouldn’t apply because they have FA need.</p>

<p>and about app fees, waivers are possible and really not that hard to get.</p>

<p>2280 SAT, 4.4 gpa, waitlisted.</p>

<p>Same boat as clivingston… Sucks</p>

<p>The problem is that if you are a non URM and have substantial need, you are at the bottom of the totem pole in admissions. The need aware schools want to save their aid money for students they want to attract… and unfortunately they have their fair share of non URM applicants. It is the dirty little secret of college admissions… but it is what it is. This shouldn’t stop you from going to another school and having a GREAT experience. It isn’t where you go to college, it’s what you do when you get there. Go forth and thrive!!!</p>

<p>@5boys Not true. I am Asian. Which is a minority but definitely not an URM. Statistically it’s harder for Asians to get in than Caucasian students. But I got in ED to CC with a 27 and a 3.78 GPA and I have a EFC of zero. They admit students holistically and look at ALL aspects. If they did it solely on URM, Financial need, and then stats, I’d be out.</p>

<p>For some reason I still have not heard back yet. I was deferred after applying ED and thought that I should have heard by the 15th. In my base camp the admissions decision is still blank. Anyone know why this is???</p>

<p>accepted :slight_smile: i had 4.14 Weighted GPA at the time and 30 ACT. I was captain of my JV team for two years, and president of my church youth group, along with tons of community service. I am asian, and did not apply for financial aid, which may or may not have effected my admission. I didn’t get an interview, but requested one, and was in contact with admissions about the interview process.</p>

<p>URM is not nearly as important as people think it is. Look at at typical high school, and count how many applied to schools with >10% acceptance rates (like Ivies). Now of those, tell me how many got in. Probably zero, right? Or very close to. That means URM applicants were also denied. The same applies for all colleges but it’s most apparent with schools that reject everyone.</p>

<p>The ones who get first priority in admissions are legacies and athletes. Not URMs. Being a URM helps, but not so much a college is going to go from “rejection” to “accepted with full ride.”</p>

<p>gmoh13… asians are considered a URM at LAC’s. Asians don’t typically apply to LAC"s and it is a know fact that LAC"s are trying to recruit more of them. They are definitely NOT considered URM’s at any top tier University. Viel… I think you are naive… sorry, I will have to agree to disagree.</p>

<p>Colorado College needs a Warren Buffett to triple its endowment. Then maybe it could join the ranks of the 40-50 colleges & universities (like Grinnell) that fully meet all demonstrated need.</p>

<p>As it is, the average percentage of need met by CC is ~98%. This is way better than most other colleges. The down side is that they fully meet the need of only about 81% of students with demonstrated need. Still, this is better than Whitman’s 56% or Kenyon’s 60% rate. </p>

<p>Unfortunately, it appears CC is not need-blind. They may be rejecting some borderline (or better than borderline) applicants in favor of full-pay students with equal (or worse) stats. I doubt very many low-EFC ORM applicants are being bumped by high-EFC URMs with lower stats. There just aren’t all that many minority students at CC. Diversity and financial aid are both areas where it’s a bit weaker than some of the most selective, highest-ranked LACs.</p>

<p>41% of CC students receive need-based aid. The average aid package is worth ~$37K. Compare Amherst at 58% and ~$38K, respectively. CC’s COA is about $2K cheaper. So its average aid package seems to be fairly generous, though relatively few students get it. Would it be better to admit more high-need students but cover a smaller percentage of each student’s need?</p>