<p>It has been so long since I sent in my application that I forget - does Princeton send the decision by letter or can I get it onine like Yale?
<p>I'm 99% sure they're doing it online again this year. They also did online last year, and I expect we should be getting an email regarding this soon.</p>
<p>cant wait cant wait... i think this is bring me back to the days before MIT EA decisions.</p>
<p>thank you for the info</p>
<p>last year it was march 29th. this year the ivies are saying the 31st but i'm hoping they are consistent with the friday thing and do march 28th</p>
<p>Oh come on, tong, you know that waiting for MIT EA was way more exciting. We had all sorts of distracting fun going on on the MIT board. :)</p>
<p>Does anybody now what the web address is that we'll use to see the decisions? I can't even find the link to the application tracking system site...</p>
<p>:P but... but... but...
yeah i have to admit people on MIT board/chatroom were a lot more anxious two months ago. maybe as march 31 draws closer, we'll see some major freaking out. i should be one of the first ones on the list to do so.
im actually showing a few friends in the "Princeton in Beijing" program around my hometown this summer, so i think peer pressure has princeton over MIT for me. :|</p>
<p>excellent, thanks padfoot! (love the screenname too!)</p>
<p>where do we get the PIN?</p>
<p>you should have included it in your princeton supplement (i think).</p>
<p>Just log in to Common App and check your Princeton supplement. You wrote it down there, if you used the common app.</p>