Notre Dame Regular Decision Thread - Class of 2023

Should i go to LSE or to Notre Dame

hey guys! I received admission, but does anyone know when I would receive any scholarships if I get any.

Has to be your choice, of course, but I think there are several criteria that can influence your choice. For example, would you like to study in the US? Which is financially more accessible? Which offers more long-term opportunity, both for graduate school and career trajectory? I personally love ND (my alma mater), but LSE is so wonderful too for the right kind of student. You can hardly lose either way. Well wishes!

Congrats to those who were accepted. @Choctaw I think if you would know by now if you were going to be a finalist for a merit scholarship. Some who applied RD already received invitations to apply for scholarships back in January. Those who are finalists will be going to ND in about a week for interviews. Anyone who knows more please correct me if I am wrong.

my son got waitlisted…he is pretty disappointed. He still has some great options but his heart was ND. our quest to find the right place for him is not over. Congrats to all who got in.

waitlisted. 33 act, tons of good extracurriculars, started my own business, founder of a charity chapter, etc. All A’s in 13 AP classes. Showed a ridiculous amount of interest. White male probably only reason I didn’t get in. Super disappointed.

My Son, Waitlisted, 35 ACT, 4.3 GPA, great EC.

To think that being a white male works against your candidacy for ND suggests a lack of understanding about the school and its culture. That is, ND is among the whitest schools in the country, and remains slightly more male than female. The admissions process is often arbitrary given the sheer volume of applicants and the ever-increasing standards. You fell through a net that has more holes than ever. So don’t be down on yourself. Clearly, you’ll be successful wherever you end up. Best wishes!

Accepted from REA deferral
ACT: 33 superscore 34
GPA: 3.89 UW 4.52 W
Completed 16 Honors/AP classes which is a big deal at my school
Extracurriculars: Student Body President, Science Bowl state champion team participant, lots and lots of music, cross country captain, Track

I think what pushed me over the edge was my continued interest. I sent like 5 updates to my counselor. My essays were also what kept me from getting rejected originally. They were hands-down the best essays I wrote for any school and everyone else from my school was rejected.

D18 Waitlisted…

7 years Straight A’s. AP’s

4.0 GPA 5.22 Weighted

Great Essays and likely Great Rec’s

Extras: bunch of… Mock Trial States likely Nationals this year. Fingers Crossed on that…


Go Figure


1530 SAT (M:780 R:750)
Weighted GPA: 98.8/100
Rank: 36/475
Female, Asian, Out of state

ECs: Founder and president of Health Occupations Students of America
Youth and Government
Model UN
State and county level oratorical awards
Started own nonprofit

I was really proud of my essays for this school, but ultimately I never visited or showed demonstrated interest so I’m not really surprised lol. Bummed but still not shocked.

@Devcur What was your unweighted GPA and class rank?

Waitlisted-1550 SAT, 4.77 W GPA, Rank 2 of 128. Guess ND doesn’t want the fourth person in our school after accepting three in REA.


34 ACT
Major: Biological Sciences
Asian Male
EC: Concertmaster of National Youth Orchestra of USA, National Chemistry Olympiad Finalist, etc…
My thoughts: I think what pushed me to acceptance was definitely my ECs and my essays for ND were pretty strong in my opinion.

@GraceDad 4.0 unweighted, all A’s. My school doesn’t have class rank but I can only think of maybe 4 or 5 kids with harder classes and better grades in a class of 200 students.

Also, I am a roman catholic for those of you wondering.

Congrats to all accepted!!

Accepted to the mendoza business school
SAT 1570
Math2-800 Physics-780
GPA- 95.78(UW) 8 APs
From NYC

at 6:45
Computer science
ACT: 36
10 APs
Presidential scholar finalist
Sports and multiple activities

Poli Sci
GPA ~3.98ish?
SAT: 1540
6 APs including senior year, all 5s (can’t take any before junior)
NHS, sports, fairly involved in school ECs with some leadership, lots of volunteering
State: MA
Thoughts: very few kids from my school apply, so there’s that. Also, had a one-on-one college rep visit when nobody else showed up, which was definitely a plus. Incredibly grateful after a long string of waitlists!