What did you guys think about the passage to do with Mrs. Farrinder and Olive. (it’s from the book The Bostonians btw). Also the passage about Sophia and her mother (it’s from the Old Wives Tale)
Like the “supreme favour” question in the Sophia passage
And the question about “the absurd pretensions” was it that the parent had too much confidence in persuading her daughter?
And a question for the poem “mortal instruments” and somethign to do with “time’s power to rust it away” was it “human abilities” or "commemorative sculptures?
For the Mortal Instruments thing, I thought it was “human abilities”, and for “absurd pretensions”, I said that it was the assumption that children should be grateful just for being born
I think I put the same answers as ControlZMaster on those questions. I was really confused on the passage about bait (which evidently is from the bait by John Donne). One of the questions said something about this stanza:
“If thou, to be so seen, be’st loth,
By sun or moon, thou dark’nest both,
And if myself have leave to see,
I need not their light having thee.”
I couldn’t figure out if it was saying that the girl casts an ‘ominous shadow’ or if she was so bright the sun and moon looked dark in comparison.