November SAT II US History

<p>@cricket123: yep, this is my first time too, but how long have u been studying US his?, r u American?, Im an international student and I just learn US His within one month and know nothing before Im really focusing on it through Directhits, quite weird right?, but I really like taking a particular history and I choose US His(World His is so much detailed to learn) :)</p>

Oh wow. International. What country (I understand if you don’t want to say)?
I studied it up to the progressive era last year and am currently taking it. Right now, I’m learning about the election of 1932 in class.
I understand. Well you seem to have done pretty well for someone who only learned it a month ago. Are you planning on retaking it next month?</p>

<p>@cricket123: I’ll retake SAT 1 next month and I’ll retake Math 2 and US His if they are not high :slight_smile:
oh, it doesnt matter at all, I’m from Viet Nam, Im sure u know my country? :D(quite few questions about Viet Nam in the last US His right?)
For me, Vietnamese His is so much more detailed and complicated than US His, no offence :). It has many generations, dynasties, kings, king’s wives, fortresses etc.
will u retake US His?
It seems that only two of us give a damn about this topic though :(</p>

Haha yes, of course I know Vietnam.
No offense taken. The US is relatively young (compared to the majority of other countries in the world).
I’m considering retaking it. I think I will schedule to retake it and not go if I get a good score.</p>

<p>does anyone remember any other qst?</p>

<p>@cricket123: I agree that US His is quite young compared to other countries’ his but u know what, I really have a penchant for US His no matter what it is, I dont know but I truly love its political, historical, geographic events, how present US is made up, its campaigns, its revolts etc. Before I learn US His, I always think that US in the beginning is like US right now LOL. I dont even know it only has Northeast region in the beginning until Manifest Destiny. Seriously, I find US His interesting. Also, this is effin crazy that I always think black people dominate Southern states in the beginning so presently, lots of black people live in Sounthern states, which means US is divided into 2 separate regions: white people in Northeast and black people in the South(Im sorry if it offends someone). OMG, thats such a ridiculous and ignorant thought that I have ever had. Which state r u from?.</p>

Me too, I find it interesting and kind of unique. And it’s fascinating how much the size and population has grown and changed in such a relatively short period of time.</p>

<p>Hahaha it’s fine. I’m from New Jersey. I guess there is a lot more diversity here than people think… Or maybe it’s just because I live near NY (which has an extremely diverse community).</p>

<p>@cricket123: U know what, I love Northeast states most. I love NY, NJ, Penn, Mass, Conn, Ver, Maine, NH etc. OMG. The most vital reason I love them is their non-conservatism. Im not a racist at all. I just, u know, give my ideas from the bottom of my heart(sr if my expression is so…sentimental :D). Oops, it seems that we are not focusing on the topic any more :-ss.</p>

Haha it’s okay, looks like we’re attracting more people to the thread by speaking.
Have you visited the US before?</p>

Have you taken the US History SAT II before or are you just asking for more questions because you are studying for it and want to know what kinds of questions will show up?</p>

<p>(I don’t mind if it is the latter. I’m here to help :smiley: )</p>

<p>@cricket123: No :(. The farthest country that I visit is Japan. Japan is so breathtaking. I have my Japanese host family. It seems that u like cricket? :slight_smile:
Seriously, I dont remember any US His questions at all LOL</p>

Haha no. You are the second to think that. It’s a childhood nickname… :stuck_out_tongue:
Wow. I’ve never visited Japan but I heard its beautiful. My dad travels a lot for business and he was actually just there.
What languages do you speak?</p>

<p>@cricket123: I speak Vietnamese(of course :D), English and Japanese. When I returned from Japan, its really an inspiration to learn one more language and I choose Japanese. Japanese is such a difficult language though. I will learn one Europe language but I still dont know which language is fit to me. Do ya have any suggestion?. How about ur languages?.</p>

<p>I speak Russian, Spanish, and English but would definitely like to learn more like Hebrew, German, and French. Oh and American Sign language (learning that is at the top of my bucket list)!!!</p>

<p>still no Asian languages huh? :). U mean Native American sign language?. Have u taken SAT 1?. Maybe we should chat by sending messages, ok?. I dont wanna make this topic become a mess at all LOL</p>

<p>I agree. Send me a message. :)</p>

<p>Anyone else have something to offer?
I didn’t schedule for December.
I guess I just won’t send it if I get a bad score…</p>

<p>So… What did everyone get? My score was horrible! I’m definitely retaking.</p>

<p>700, I’m satisfied considering I didn’t even review. :'D</p>

Wow! Great job! :smiley:
I’m going to retake it. :P</p>

I usually get 780’s on practice tests. I thought I got at least a 760 on this test. I got a 700 and I’m really disappointed because I don’t think that was what I actually should have gotten. Can you get it hand graded or rechecked?</p>