<p>Do you wish you had done better in high school? Slacked off a little? Played a sport? Done something differently?</p>
<p>ooo, I kind of wish I'd pushed a little bit more to join the party crowd. I think I could've if I'd wanted to a bit more, but I just didn't. Now I'm left having attended exactly one "high school party." I deffinetly spent ten too many friday/saturday nights at home, bored, alone, when I could've been doing something fun.</p>
<p>couldve worked harder, i guess.</p>
<p>i look back on my high school years and i would like to have been more involved with ECs and sports</p>
<p>I wish I had stopped trying to act so grown up and had fun doing the things I wanted to do. What I didn't appreciate until it was too late was how little responsibility I had in high school. Yeah, I had to study and I had a job, but it's not the same. I wish I had stopped taking myself so seriously and just had fun.</p>
<p>I agree SSV. </p>
<p>I was always the super smart one who studied too much, did every EC, played sports, had a job, etc and it wasn't until my senior year that I learned how to say no to my parents and NOT join everything and NOT study and NOT let my OCD study habits take over.</p>
<p>". . .and NOT let my OCD study habits take over."</p>
<p>Hehe instead you began to iron!</p>
<p>"I'm kind of obsessive about ironing things and wrinkles. I iron everything, everyday."</p>
<p>just friendly jest! I happened to read the ironing one and then read this one, and found it humorous :)</p>
<p>I wish I had gone to more of the football and hockey games. I made it to one hockey game, and 5 football games while in high school. Both were huge sports at my school, but being from a "feeder town" I was a long way from the game sites, and didn't always have access to the games. Looking back that's a lame excuse.
I also wish I'd quit the school paper and become an NHS officer. I could have been elected easily, and although most people in my school thought NHS was a cult and all of that (and people on here think it's a piece of cake to get into) I wish I could have been more involved. As a regular member I was very involved, but I wish I could have gone above and beyond. I got nothing out of newspaper, except more stress than all 4 years of classes combined. Yeah, there would have been stress as an officer, but that position would have suited me better. I only didn't run for officer because I knew I'd be too busy with newspaper and I was trying to show consistency for college. But that's my one big regret</p>
<p>Yeah I wish I didn't try to be so 'grown-up'. And I still do it all the time. It's just pretty much engrained in me now. I should've gone out a lot more but I guess that would've mean I would've never learned so much about computers and programming.</p>
<p>I wish I would have gone out more instead of thinking that I had to stay home and do hw all the time...now that I look back on it, I could have juggled more.</p>
<p>Partyed and gone out a little less, and took some more difficult classes. I had a hell of a lot of fun in high school, but didn't accomplish a damn thing.</p>
<p>hey duke, if you don't mind my asking, which HS did you go to?</p>
<p>I was homeschooled, but I'm suddenly regretting not taking AP tests. I didn't realize I could. :/</p>
<p>You can still take them in college, if you want, I think...it's not very common, but I don't think there is a rule against it, and there always was a bubble for "college student" or "no longer in high school" (or something like that) on the answer form</p>
<p>equine99, I went to James Logan in Union City.</p>
<p>Oh okay, further north than me</p>
<p>I'm pretty satisfied with how high school turned out. I used to be a loser my first couple years, not just socially, but I was also a chronic underacheiver when it came to grades too, or at least that's what everyone thought. Around my sophomore year I really pushed to be part of the "popular crowd", especially since many of those people already knew me from elementary and middle school, but I was probably a complete joke to them, and I had virtually no social life to speak of. I became friends with them my senior year and started hanging out with them on weekends and going to parties with them. I still thought I wasn't popular and that maybe it was a joke, but 4 years later I'm starting to realize that I probably was real popular, and that I didn't realize it because I was used to people making fun of me, and I've always been vigilent about sensing if people are cool with me or if they're actually backstabbing me. To this day I'm still friends with many of them, or at least the ones who haven't drifted away, since you never really keep in touch with all of your high school friends.</p>
<p>I transfered after 3 years at my JC, so I don't really regret not getting good grades in HS, although in a perfect world, I would've gotten really good grades and went to a 4-year school right after graduation, and not have had to endure my family thinking that I'm lazy and apathetic just because I'm the first person in my family to <em>not</em> go straight from HS to a 4-year university. But I transfered to my dream school last year, so that's all that matters as far as I'm concerned.</p>
Oh okay, further north than me
Where'd did you go?</p>
<p>I wish I had not dropped out of High School anf paid a little more attentionl.</p>
<p>Menlo School down near Palo Alto</p>