<p>Does getting an NP on directed group study (decal course) look terrible? I mean I know it doesn't look good, but would grad schools care that much? I'm totally falling behind in my decal course that requires so much work, it's ridiculous.</p>
<p>Also, has anyone ever dropped after the 5th week with a petition? How difficult is it to get them to approve it? Thanks</p>
<p>I am failing my decal as well… It definetely looks bad, but I dun think it’s a complete disadvantage for grad school. Getting better grades in major courses are more important than a np in decal. at least i think so.</p>
<p>ughhh I wish I hadn’t signed up for this decal!
Anyone else have any experiences…grad school/failing decal course…?</p>
<p>why is the decal so hard? decals are supposed to be easy…</p>
<p>people just don’t do their work</p>
<p>what decal are you taking?</p>
<p>you fail decal = lazy</p>