NSC done!!!!!

<p>Classes are opened up throughout the registration process, they are not all opened in session 1. One child went to session 1, the other second to last session of NSC. The key is to submit on the computer quickly when your session opens for enrollment- everyone has their favorite technique. Also, as a hint, make many alternate schedules in advance so you aren’t trying to ‘find’ classes during your enrollment period. Classes remain open as you go, so yes earlier sessions have a few more slots but NOT all of them. If you don’t get your classes, they reopen when you get to school plus the first week (drop/add). Many students change their minds or opt for ‘better schedules’ or decide that mom & dad’s schedule isn’t for them!</p>

<p>Agreed with mom, I have never not been able to get every class/section I’ve wanted. It definitely took some work during the week before or add/drop week to check very often but it is possible.</p>

<p>I remember my first semester I had the first NSC but HLTH 236 was full. I wanted to go ahead and take that and start getting electives/ICDs out of the way. I waited for open registration and add drop week and got it.</p>

<p>^Thanks Aggie92 that is encouraging to know and very helpful.</p>

<p>So today I had my NSC… the only thing that impressed me was how sincere and helpful some of the student volunteers were.</p>

<p>Wow the mandatory sessions weren’t good (I kept on YAWNING and YAWNING). Who’s writing the first few speakers’ speeches and slides? Or more importantly, who’s letting them speak? Like what the heck… And I raised my hand several times, but the Biology head advisor kept on ignoring me (I was sitting in front of her). </p>

<p>Before today, I’ve met with a few of A&M’s Biology advisors, and they doubted that I actually did obvious tasks before meeting them and didn’t truly care about my important issues that could have been easily handled right then and there (they gave me their card and seemed like they wanted me to stop bothering them ASAP). The secretary was nice though :)</p>

<p>I also once signed up for an optional tour, remembered the wrong room number, and was brought to an office to get help (I was late anyway, so it was possible that I had been standing next to the wrong door the whole time). I asked the woman in charge if I could look up the email to make sure I had the correct room number, but she kept on ignoring me and asking me who was in charge of the department I was in (irrelevant), who was in charge of the department I used to be in (irrelevant), and who was in charge of the research program that got me linked to the emails (irrelevant). I KNEW that the name of the person in charge (and the room number) was in my email, but she kept on wasting my time by looking up irrelevant people until I left her to use a computer that wasn’t hers (can’t use a faculty member’s computer).</p>

<p>Well I hope this gives someone more information about A&M… A year ago, I would have liked to know that these attitudes were more prevalent than expected (they were less common at at all three of my previous community colleges).</p>

<p>So I Googled something and found [College</a> disappointment: Philosophy Forums](<a href=“http://forums.philosophyforums.com/comments.php?id=15151&findpost=278994#post278994]College”>http://forums.philosophyforums.com/comments.php?id=15151&findpost=278994#post278994) which made me feel a bit better (I’m not alone about some other things).</p>

<p>Thanks guys for putting up with this gloomy post.</p>

<p>I kept yawning too! haha, the head of biology didn’t gave time for questions during her presentation, que aburrido hehe</p>

<p>It’s just a departmental thing IMO.</p>

<p>The petroleum engineering department is horrible, rude, lazy, etc.</p>

<p>The mechanical engineering department is nice and responsive.</p>

<p>Just wanted to let y’all know, my daughter and I went to the very first NSC in May…and there were very few open classes then too! The adviser said the computer opens seats up all summer for the later conferences. There was not much advantage in going early…but it sure was fun.</p>

<p>My S is looking to attend TAMU in fall 2014. When do freshman register for classes? Is it at the NSC? Sorry if this is a stupid question, its been a long time since I went to college. My son is also applying for the honors program and we hope that will help with registration as we hear they get priority.</p>

<p>Yes, they register for classes at their NSC session. Not sure how much honors will help the very first semester, but after that it will help.</p>

<p>Honors do NOT help with registering for the first semester at all.</p>

<p>You’ll register in the afternoon of your NSC’s second day (1:30-6).</p>

<p>The differences were the honors students got more attention in pre-registration: advisor, program director, several current students to help you pick courses & give opinions. Regular students are broken down into rooms with one instructor (ours was not an advisor, just an instructor) for the same amount of students. During registration: all regular students went to a library to register en masse with the pool of instructors/advisors circulating. Honor students went to a classroom with staff right with you, making sure you were prepared with alternate choices & knew the techniques for quick registration. Regarding getting regular classes, there is no advantage first semester however, honors classes are only offered to honor students so those are easier to get.</p>

<p>Except Engineering Honors. Those were impossible to get. Maybe next semester will be better.</p>

<p>Cromette -Have your student check with the advisor now - the next week or so classes open back up and they may get in. No guarantee but if you really want a class you sometimes have to keep trying. It has worked for my kids.</p>

<p>I’ll have her check. It was so difficult getting her schedule arranged, I hate to go there again - but who knows! Maybe they can find a similar time slot. Thanks!</p>

<p>@AGMomx2 said


<p>Anytime after your NSC can you check for classes and change schedules or is your scheduled locked until add/drop week? </p>

<p>Good question, kldat1!</p>

<p>No, you can’t keep changing your schedule throughout the summer. Your schedule is open for a few hours at your assigned NSC and then again when you come for school. </p>

<p>From what I’ve read that is what I expected. At my D’s university she can change it any time after her initial time. </p>

<p>However, sometimes you can email your advisor who has ‘the power’ and can change it anytime :-). S1 did that a few years back.</p>

<p>Our NSC is done. The registration was the easy part. All of the sessions and walking is the harder part. Those July sessions are going to be hot and humid!</p>

<p>He was told that when his current AP scores come in that they can move him to a different class if needed. They will even put him in a “closed” class if necessary.</p>