NSC done!!!!!

<p>Sooooo exhausted. 102 degrees today, schedule issues, but all in all, a great orientation! And now it's over! Thank heavens!!!!!</p>

<p>Lucky you… :p</p>

<p>May we know what your impressions were of the school?
Just any - even silly, superficial ones.</p>

<p>Awesome! I will attend the one in august, but worried about classes being already full though :/</p>

<p>Well, we love TAMU. The downside is that the campus is so huge and spread out, and there are few benches in the shade. You can tell from the placement of new benches and location of newly planted trees, that situation will be much improved in years to come. There are a lot of campus improvements going on that are great, a lot of new construction. And of course, the MSC is awesome!</p>

<p>She picked the school because of its traditions and reputation in engineering. I know she had a blast and is still very excited.</p>

<p>Scheduling classes was a big pain. Most classes were full. She wound up with a Calc I professor that I had wanted her to avoid. Technically she could have skipped Calc I though, so I’m pretty sure she’ll be okay. She needed about 15 hours…and it was hard to get. All the PE was full, the theater arts course she had picked out was full, and we must have gone through 100 electives before she settled on an English class, which gives her a cultural diversity credit, and a horticulture class, just to fill out her hours. She said it looked interesting, and most people make an A, so it’s all good.</p>

<p>Any future Ags out there, I recommend going to the very FIRST NSC available! :)</p>

<p>wiiplay, it is possible your advisers will block out and reserve your required courses for you before you get there. DD’s did, and it turns out that was a very good thing!</p>

I enjoy reading your encouraging comments and advice to students! You should be a moderator…whatever that means!
So happy you all had a good experience at the NSC, for the most part.<br>
I don’t remember which engineering your daughter is in…but continue to encourager her throughout ENG 111. My S was very disappointed in ENG 111 and 112. He and other students in his study groups felt that the class was poorly done and that quite a few students transferred out of engineering entirely because they thought, “…if this is what engineering is all about, I don’t think it is for me!” Fortunately my husband is an engineer and talked my S through it. Several of them wrote letters to the department…I know some sophomores did as well… S heard that they may be overhauling the course. They also give some low grades on projects…big curve at the end. As long as your D goes to all of the classes and shows effort, she should get an “A”. It is just a two hour course, but it is a shame if that one course turns students away from engineering! There are two or three different versions of the course depending on whether a student is ME, EE etc…my S is Biomedical and I think he was in the more mechanical one. He liked one of the profs very much…disliked another very much! Anyway, just keep this in mind if your D complains about the course. I met a mom at an Aggie Moms meeting that was in tears because her S was switching out of engineering because of the course.
On a positive note: my S loves his major, loves A&M and has had great opportunities for research. I have a daughter in engineering at UT…her final semester…she has never been as passionate about school as S!</p>

<p>Hey wiiplay, nice to see you here! I remember you said you were also an international who applied for finaid. Have you heard anything back from them? What is your finaid package?</p>

<p>And haha thanks cromette for your advice to the incoming students. Really hope you enjoy your time there. I’ll be applying soon for fall 2014, really hope they take me in. :)</p>

<p>Hi! sadly no finaid yet :confused: but aiming for some scholarship for next semester :D</p>

<p>sad to hear that.I am wondering whether TAUM gives any finaid to internationals at all…</p>

<p>schmegel, </p>

<p>Awwwww, thanks! :)</p>

<p>She’s a Mechanical Engineering major. I told her what you said. She’s so stoked. She knows from watching her sister that a semester seems like a long time while it’s happening, but it REALLY FLIES by!!! I swear we just dropped D2 off at college as a freshman yesterday, and she’s already a junior!</p>

<p>And thanks, Emportent, and good luck!</p>

<p>Congrats cromette. We got back from NSC last nite. S got physics and calculus I (8 credits) that was it. He did not get PE or Engr 111. The advisors said they were going to try to get him two UCC electives to keep him full time. </p>

<p>At this point, I have no idea how they expect him to earn 30 credits by the end of freshman year to keep his scholarship. Also cannot imagine what they expect him to take for 30 credits in sophomore year if he earns all his UCCs in freshman year and does not have both Engr 111 & 112 when he starts sophomore year.</p>

<p>Your son could take Engr 111 next semester or during Summer I. </p>

<p>The same goes for Engr 112 (it can be taken concurrently with Engr 111 if necessary or during Summer II).</p>

<p>I am going for the last NSC, does anyone know if intro biology and intro chem will be full? I am int’l so only late NSC were available for me.</p>

<p>Hillo, Do you need to know the material in ENGR 111 to do well on ENGR 112? thanks.</p>



<p>Really won’t matter IMO unless the professor weights in class quizzes or homework in a weird way. I suppose they could also make their final difficult but other than that it is all common exams and can be learned through Amy Austin’s videos or the week in review. Many kids I know intentionally chose a poor professor and simply attended Amy’s class because they would learn the material extremely well but others in their actual class wouldn’t learn it as well so it would help their section curve.</p>

<p>The real thing to be interested in is if you are signed up to take common or non common exam physics as the two are very different. </p>



<p>I am class of 2014 mechanical engineering. When I took the courses they were in no way related. ENGR 111 had to do with basic statics, ENGR 112 was basically an intro to programming (in labview) course. </p>

<p>That may change though. I was asked to TA some sections this coming year and they said that they had/were redesigning the courses. I believe they may actually be introducing some programming into 111 (even for Track A majors, such as mechanical) that isn’t labview.</p>



<p>How do you know for which one you signed up?</p>

<p>Perazziman-My daughter (Major: Engineering, class of 2015) didn’t know if her professor used the common tests or the non-common tests until she went to her first class. Her first semester she had a professor who wrote his own Physics tests and she felt the class was more challenging because of it. But, she went to a lot of office hours and made it work.</p>

<p>I think if you posted your professor I could probably tell you. (Common exam profs: Bassichis, Erukhimova, etc.)</p>

<p>Probably the easiest way is if your textbook is don’t panic you are very very likely to be in common exam physics.</p>

<p>If your textbook is university physics or some other text you will not be in common exam physics. </p>

<p>I’m not saying I don’t appreciate common exam physics. They each have their own usefulness I suppose, I just personally believe that university physics would be the better choice.</p>

<p>Wow, TXAggie! Thanks for posting all of this! Great information!</p>

<p>This is all you really need IMO. </p>

<p>[Math</a> 151 Week in Review](<a href=“http://www.math.tamu.edu/~austin/wirmath151.html]Math”>http://www.math.tamu.edu/~austin/wirmath151.html)
[Amy</a> Austin’s Videos](<a href=“http://disted6.math.tamu.edu/m151-152videos/index.html]Amy”>http://disted6.math.tamu.edu/m151-152videos/index.html)
<a href=“http://www.math.tamu.edu/courses/math151/common-exams/[/url]”>http://www.math.tamu.edu/courses/math151/common-exams/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Looks like the exam videos are new as those were not around when I was taking the class. Also maybe really go to the week in review for the current semester as things may have changed slightly (this will be one night of the week on whatever day the person giving it decides). Also since it is a common exam it is good to have friends that have different professors as some will see the exam the day before and may hint at some of the subjects on it.</p>