<p>why is penn the only ivy(besides columbia) tht hasnt released the number of ed apps they recieved this yr. do u think its because theyre ashamed to say its gone down or because theyre so overwhelmed with tons of apps tht they havent even come to a total yet? im scared its the latter cuz they just seemed overwhelmed with getting out the blue and green cards and telling me and others tht they were missing transcripts and college counselour recs when t hey actually had them in a huge pile tht they hadnt gone thru yet. <em>scared</em> maybe ill call and remain annonymous-theyll prolly just say they havent released the # tho</p>
<p>call! that'd be awesome.</p>
<p>i hope it's the former...</p>
<p>U should just call and ask the receptionist if he/she has been overwhelmed with calls.... make small talk and see if u can get a read on the volume of apps. Does anyone know when Penn released the ED info last year. I cant say whether it is fewer apps or more apps, but its certain that it is an extreme change.... maybe over the 10% that other schools have reported! I worry that B/c penn was upgraded to US NEWS #4, there have been a flood of apps into admissions...... nonetheless, its 1:45 AM, I should really try to ignore this whole thing for the next 4 days (Like that's gonna happen).</p>
<p>yes im worried about this too. i HOPE it was DOWN DOWN DOWN.</p>
<p>what about personally at your schools...compared to last year...is there less applicants, or more?</p>
<p>for me, i know that no one from my school went to penn last year, and i'm also the only EDer applying from my school...so it doesn't really seem relative..but what about u guys?</p>
<p>less apps or more?</p>
<p>I think more ED to Wharton from Korea, but less to college and engineering. </p>
<p>If they do post it, where?</p>
<p>Where do they post the stats for other ivies?</p>
<p>I'm pretty sure the applicants increase by HUGE amount , my school alone increase from around 30-50 as well as few other schools within the city of philadelphia</p>
<p>Well, you can't base anything on your school only...my school had three kids apply last year..and only I am applying this year, does that signal a 200% drop in Penn admissions? no. Darthmouth's ED pool dropped by 10% this year...sucks for them. Gosh, I wish they would release the numbers already. Watch, it'll be, "It's 20% lower this year...and you still got rejected Catch!!" Noooooooooooooo!</p>
<p>lol. there are only 2 this year ED and none last year or the year before. i don't think my school is representative though...</p>
<p>Yeah I'm really surprised that its this late and still no numbers.</p>
<p>I wonder if there was a really drastic change or something...</p>
Well, you can't base anything on your school only...my school had three kids apply last year..and only I am applying this year, does that signal a 200% drop in Penn admissions?
<p>dear dear confused little girl from AZ, that would be a 66% drop not 200%</p>
<p>3-1 = 2
2/3 = 66%</p>
<p>... ahem.. anyway there was a rise in apps at my district.
and judging from the fact it went up in ranks on usnews listings
i would say there is a increasing trend.</p>
<p>lol. Oops. that's why Penn's gonna reject me.............noooooooooooo!</p>
<p>u know..i wonder if they have not realized anything..cause numbers in certain schools ar so low..i mean look at the little amount of ccers for penn ed compared to last year..plus..i mean obviously huntsman tons..but there is one nursing person on here..do u think she is the only one??</p>
<p>the only one to apply to the program?!?!?</p>
<p>that's...a little farfetched.</p>
<p>Someone on the Columbia board said that the number of applicants went down maybe about 30%. Seems very high and very random, but I'm not complaining. Maybe Penn's went down a lot too and they are ashamed of the dip or something.</p>
<p>that seems awfully suspicious...I really doubt it.</p>
<p>No kid has ever applied to Penn ED or RD from my school before. I am the first, and I am the only. Because of the laws of random sampling, that means Penn received an infinite percentage boost in applicants. This can't be good.</p>
<p>Why doesn't one of just call and chat up one of the assistants there and see if they'll tell give us an idea?</p>
<p>because we're all lazy. and stupid.</p>
<p>I really want to know how many people I'm in the pool with....</p>