Nursing at Bama

<p>As a nursing major, you don’t get to take just any humanities & SB. The nursing school has specific classes you MUST take, and only your GPA from these courses is considered for upper division. No volunteer work, no extra classes. I’d advise only taking the honors version of courses if you feel like you will make an A - no upper division promotional preference is given for UH students.
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; </p>

<p>this link has the exact classes used to calculate GPA.<br>
I’m applying for summer admit with a 3.72 gpa and my advisor said I should get in. my friend with a 3.60, however, wasn’t given that assurance.</p>

<p>about 450-500 students are expected to apply for summer admission this year.</p>

<p>Do you know what the course load will be like for summer promotion? My daughter tells me that she will only have classes two days a week, but what will she do with all the time off? Are the classes so difficult that she will have to spend it studying, will she be in the hospital for certain hours, or will she have time to come home for long weekends? Any insight?</p>

<p>There aren’t any clinicals (hospital time) during the first semester. Classes will really just be the two days a week, plus the online class (that can obviously be done from anywhere). If she really wanted, she could just come to Tuscaloosa for those two days.</p>

<p>mom…are you asking about the summer between soph year and jr year?</p>

<p>If your D has extra time, why not get an off-campus job?</p>

<p>I have a new nursing question! My daughter was accepted for summer promotion and now needs to get the “skyscape nursing” software that can be used on a iPhone or iPod touch. She has an iPhone, but we also have an unused iPod touch she could use. Is it more convenient to keep the software on your phone, or to have it on a separate device?</p>

<p>Congrats to your D for getting a summer promotion. The competition was tough!!!</p>

<p>As for your other question…lol…I have no idea, but I think a few other posters might know.</p>

<p>Congrats again…what a relief!</p>

<p>mom456, Awesome!! Congratulations to your daughter!</p>

<p>Might I suggest that the iPad could be better to study from -just because of the size of the text and screen. I know that I get eye fatigue when using apps on my smartphone.</p>

<p>The latest GPA average for promotion to the summer semester was a 3.9. But considering that Alabama gives 4.33 quality points for an A+ that brings the average up. If your daughter has her eye on nursing at Bama, she should do ALL extra credit work in EVERY course to aim for A+s. My daughter did this and received 8 A+'s last year alone. Her nursing GPA is a 4.26. She is planning to apply for summer promotion 2014. Also, if your daughter is strong in critical thinking, have her take Stat 260 which counts for the computer (CS)gen ed requirement and nursing school requirement, saving a course. Stay away from foreign languages because they are soooo hard in college. Also, she wishes she had tried to test out of CS 102 like her friends did, because it is a requirement for nursing school, but does NOT satisfy the CS core requirement. She heard from her friends that the placement exam was very easy. Medical Ethics is a nursing school req and also counts as a Humanities gen ed req toward the 12 Humanities/FA/Lit reqs. My daughter is taking Anat & Physiology at our local college this summer and IT IS SO EASY! I highly recommend going this route for the difficult science classes. You will need a letter of transiency and permission from the Bio dept to do this though-be sure to allow yourself plenty of time.
BTW-it’s nice to be in the Honors College to get early registration the first 2 years when you need it, but it’s extra work to get the 18 credits required, and it does not have any sway on getting into upper division nursing. My daughter has used it for early reg, but is going to drop it after the fall.</p>

<p>Thanks so much for posting all of this valuable information (and welcome to the forum!).</p>

<p>Saw the title of this thread and just wanted to add that nursing at Bama is allowed! Especially if the goal is to grow big and strong athletes, and brainiac students! So keep nursing.</p>