Nursing Class of 2026 (Direct Admit BSN)

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Thanks! I would love to hear more about the clinicals at the University of Cincinnati! I know there are several hospitals that are part of and nearby the medical campus which is one of the big benefits to UC we are considering over Miami University and Bowling Green State. Are most of the clinicals within the immediate area, or could they have to drive a significant distance to some? Which semester do the clinicals start, and how often are the clinicals? Any other input would be appreciated as well.

Anyone else waiting for Gonzaga BSN? We could be hearing in a few days.

Daughter was accepted to Cincinnati and is going to Admitted Students Day. What can you share about the program?


Hi, I would also appreciate any feedback on Florida Southern. My daughter was also accepted with great merit aid but also feels it is too small and suburban. Thanks

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For those who asked about Cincinnati: Most clinicals are within a 20 minute drive (city driving). There is the UCMC that is closer, but not walkable. Some students do all their clinicals there, but many decide to move around to get an idea of where theyā€™d like to work (if they stay in Cincinnati). I am not familiar with all the options, just the ones my daughter ended up at. Clinicals start second semester sophomore year, but first semester sophomore year they are in a skills lab that will help them prepare for it. Clinicals are every semester thereafter, and some students end up with more than one clinical experience at a time depending on how the classes run. If you get a co-op, a nice paid option through UC, you will have your co-op job and clinicals at the same time. Co-ops are applied for during junior year. Many nursing students end up getting PCA jobs at nearby hospitals after sophomore year since they are qualified based on their clinical experience (you could do it earlier if you are qualified, but many choose to wait). Mine got a PCA job in the summer between sophomore and junior year, a co-op in the summer between junior and senior year, and is now using the co-op for role transition. She has had clinicals and co-op at the same time. Doable, but busy.


Thanks for your reply, its always good to get honest feedback, i donā€™t think its a good fit for my daugter as well. However I did like the idea of a smaller univeristy for nursing, but she is considering FAU.

Does anyone have any thoughts on Drexel University for nursing? Is it a good program? How is the overall feel of the school? Is it a safe environment? Thanks for any comments.

Does anyone know much about Jacksonville Universityā€™s nursing program? My daughter toured there and really liked it but I wasnā€™t with her (and weā€™re in NY). They were very generous with their merit. Itā€™s a lot smaller than the other schools my DD has been accepted to which has both advantages and disadvantages but have no other ā€œrealā€ info to go on. Appreciate any input.

Hello my daughter is considering Fau or Florida southern for nursing. Looking for info on the programs good and bad. Thank you

I canā€™t speak to the nursing program. It is definitely a very urban campus. I would say it is safer and nicer than Temple, but not as ā€œniceā€ as Pitt from my perspective. Not sure if that helps at all.

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I donā€™t know anything about FAU, but hereā€™s what I shared with another person about FSC:

FSC hasnā€™t been a great fit for my girls. Very small school filled with students who arenā€™t terribly academically-minded. The four-year on campus housing requirement has caused endless headaches. Nursing program isnā€™t very well-organized. The city of Lakeland is pretty sleepy and very conservative (not a good fit for my girlsā€” may be perfect for others!) All that being said, they felt/feel well-prepared for NCLEX and with large merit scholarships will graduate debt-free, which was the primary reason they picked it.

We didnā€™t even consider it for our current senior. Central FL is justā€¦not for us! FSC did accept all their AP credit (about 30 credits each), which gave them some lighter semesters and more flexibility, but it did not allow them to graduate earlyā€” it is a 4-year, lock-step program.

Iā€™m happy to answer any specific questions you have.


DD was accepted there also, we are OOS and not sure if itā€™s worth taking a plane ride to visit. Did anyone reach out to you with info?

Which school are you referring to?

Stephaniemd, I was referring to FAU, but saw that you had already answered the question. Thanks.

Swimmingly, I was actually answering a question about Florida Southern College (FSC). I know nothing about FAU. Sorry I couldnā€™t help!

Gonzaga announced yesterday. This is one of our top choices. Very happy for our D to be admitted. Merit will be announced in the coming weeks.

All mentions are for the schools of nursing
3.7+ UW, No Test Scores

U of Portland, $17,775 merit
Marymount University, $23,500 merit
Creighton, $19,000 merit
Pacific Lutheran University, $29,000 merit
Xavier, $20,000 + cost of all required text books
Marquette, $23,500 merit
Azusa Pacific University, $19,000 merit
Saint Louis University, $22,000 merit
Gonzaga, merit TBA


DD22 was notified this afternoon that she was accepted to Michigan Stateā€™s Nurse Scholar program, which is their only direct-admit pathway for high school seniors. Sheā€™s very excited! Still holding out for U Mich decision, but this is a great, affordable option for her.


Clemson/ accepted
Tennessee / rejected.

Everywhere else was not direct admit.


Accepted for direct admit at Mount Saint Maryā€™s University near UCLA with $23,000 merit but still couldnā€™t afford it. Will request for professional judgement review. Invited for interview at California State University Fullerton with 4,000 nursing applications for a place in the 40 person nursing program. This is a very impacted major in California.