Nursing Class of 2026 (Direct Admit BSN)

Our kids should go to NDSU and carpool. We can get them Parkas for Christmas! :wink:

I honestly think she would freeze to death. :slight_smile:

We have SDSU on our list. But so many people we know with extreme high stats were denied the last 2 years. They have a very low acceptance rate. So we will apply of course but will have absolutely no expectations. We are 1 hour from SDSU. It’s a great school. We toured it with my 2020 grad. Beautiful campus. But the direct entry BSN is just near impossible.

Just be aware UC and Cal states will be test blind so SDSU is purely GPA and number/ quality of A-G classes.

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Do you know if they are considering test scores for their internal merit scholarships? Both the UC and CSU offer a little $$ for high stats kids.

at SDSU?

SDSU offers merit $$ for high stats kids. I know they have an honors scholarship. I want to say it was 10k? It’s been a while since my 2020 grad. So I will have to do some more research. The UCs have this too.

nope, have no idea :slight_smile:

Well I will certainly be researching this and report back my findings. Thank you for your help. So much information to look at. My daughter is on the younger side too. Is a senior and is still 16. She will be 17 in Oct. Which means she won’t be 18 until 5 months after graduation. So we have similar stories.

UC’s do not consider test scores other than for placement and not for the merit they offer ie. Regents. SDSU’s Honors college offers merit scholarships but specifics regarding test scores are not listed only GPA. As stated above, further research is warranted.

Thank you! I knew they offered some sort of merit. I assume test scores with the CSU and UC will not be necessary at all then. But GPA is. The UCs that offer regents are they based on GPA as well?

** UC will not consider SAT or ACT test scores when making admissions decisions or awarding scholarships. If you choose to submit test scores as part of your application, they may be used as an alternative method of fulfilling minimum requirements for eligibility or for course placement after you enroll.**

UC Regents is mainly based on academic excellence (GPA/HS course rigor) along with creativity, leadership, service, and strong convictions. Candidates reflect commitment to excellence.

Each UC determines their Regents criteria which includes some or all of these areas.

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this is just an FYI for anyone who needs it but I called UH-Manoa to confirm if they have direct admit, and they do! Your ACT/SAT, GPA, just has to be greater than the minimum to be able to apply for the traditional 4year direct admit program.

U of sf is actually very generous with there financial aid package and scholarship money. They provide a lot of scholarship money to literally every nursing student. My cousin goes there with nowhere close to as good stats as ur daughter and he was even given 20k a year in scholarship money. I, myself, was given 25k along with loads of financial aid money. Plus you can always negotiate with them to give you more money.

As for sdsu, I think your daughter has a good shot at getting in with those stats. I had a 4.42 CSU gpa and I got in. Although ur daughters gpa will change when looking at the CSU gpa, I do believe that it will be still high enough for her to have a good chance.

Btw I got into all the direct entry nursing programs in Cali accept UCLA (waitlisted) and CSUF (skipped the interview as I already got into better choices) and am going to be a freshman at Uci this year. Let me know if anyone has any questions!


Your name makes me :slight_smile:

So I understand that you got into SDSU. Crossing our fingers!

How many A-G classes did you have and what was your CSU GPA?

My understanding is that is all they are going off of this next year as they are test blind.

My daughter has 34.5 A-G credits but only a 4.19 CSU GPA. Her HS weighted is 4.52 but I know they won’t look at that.

Her CSU GPA is lower because that numbers is saturated from the amount of A-G credits and being capped for the GPA bump points.

Currently has 88 dual enrollment credits.

Has taken the following at the community college with all A’s
(only putting the nursing related classes)

  1. Stats
  2. Anatomy
  3. Physio
  4. Intro to Soc
  5. Intro to Psych
  6. Dev Psych

(Will take DE micro and chem spring semester before graduating HS)

UCI would also be a great option if she gets in. She doesn’t have a lot of extracurriculars but does have 2 jobs. Also has her CNA and is currently working in the field so hopefully that will negate not having lots of EC. They are more holistic in their application so who knows
 She will have good essays but has not cured any diseases. :wink:

I don’t remember exactly how many a-g credits I had but I also had a few concurrent enrollment classes as well as a few AP classes. My CSU gpa was lower than my normal weighted gpa as well. The reason for that is that the CSU gpa is capped so that only 8 semesters of honors classes are counted as boosts to your gpa.

Also don’t worry I didn’t cure any disease either :joy:. I did have a lot of leadership roles, community service hours, and ecs related to nursing though that really helped me out. Honestly both Uci and UCLA are EXTREMELY hard to get into. Last year I saw student with very high gpas and very good ecs get rejected. I was actually shocked that I got in and not some other applicants. I think it all comes down to how u present yourself on your application and how well rounded you are.

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Hi my daughter is a freshmen in the nursing program at SDSU for this year (2021-2022) and we were told by one of the directors in an orientation presentation that this year it was around 5%. They haven’t put it out yet officially so take that for what it’s worth but that was what we were told.

@Budrick1 What were your daughters stats? Are you local to SDSU? We actually toured the school today as we are in town for the weekend. What other schools did she apply to? and do you remember how many A-G credits she had total and what her CSU GPA was?


@RNmomof4 daughter’s stats were listed in one of the posts above. Here is the information that was posted.

**My understanding is that is all they are going off of this next year as they are test blind.

My daughter has 34.5 A-G credits but only a 4.19 CSU GPA. Her HS weighted is 4.52 but I know they won’t look at that.

Her CSU GPA is lower because that numbers is saturated from the amount of A-G credits and being capped for the GPA bump points.

Currently has 88 dual enrollment credits.

Has taken the following at the community college with all A’s
(only putting the nursing related classes)

  1. Stats
  2. Anatomy
  3. Physio
  4. Intro to Soc
  5. Intro to Psych
  6. Dev Psych

(Will take DE micro and chem spring semester before graduating HS)

UCI would also be a great option if she gets in. She doesn’t have a lot of extracurriculars but does have 2 jobs. Also has her CNA and is currently working in the field so hopefully that will negate not having lots of EC. They are more holistic in their application so who knows
 She will have good essays but has not cured any diseases.**

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Hi I just took a quick look at her transcript (it is still on my desktop for some reason). Just a cursory look but I think she had 165 a-g units for grades 10-12, counting her units by semester. I forget if they calculate it differently. 16 semesters of AP courses (8 year long courses) for grades 10-12. Her CSU gpa was the highest one they allow, I think it’s 4.4? She applied to UCLA (denied for nursing), UCI (admitted for 2nd choice major-psychology, not nursing) UCSB (admitted for psychology, they don’t have nursing) U of Wisconsin (admitted for nursing), U of Virginia (denied), U of Miami (admitted for nursing), and U of Michigan (deferred but she opted out of continuing through the deferral process). I think that is it. She is loving SDSU so far, good luck to your daughter!

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oh and I forgot also U of Arizona (admitted for nursing and a very large merit scholarship). Miami gave her a good amount of merit aid as well. I also forgot to answer your local question–we live in Orange County which is about an hour and a half from SDSU so not “local” but close to San Diego.