Nursing major

<p>When applying for colleges, I had no idea that I was interested in nursing. I've been accepted into several colleges, UCI, UCSD, and UCR as an undeclared major. Is it possible for me to pursue nursing even though I'm not enrolled in a nursing program?</p>

<p>^^^^^^^^^, no…</p>

<p>I believe those schools you listed don’t have nursing as a major. You could try to find a non direct-entry nursing program at a different school and transfer into it after your second year. You would have to apply as a sophomore for their nursing program, and take all the prerequisite classes they list. Or, take a gap year and start again. Try to work in a hospital or other health setting to see if it’s the right place for you.</p>

<p>UCI has a direct entry nursing major but it’s pretty selective. You should contact someone in the UCI nursing school and ask if it would be possible.</p>

<p>From UCI’s web site. Lots of info for new students, transfers, and UCI “change of major” students. You should act fast!</p>

<p>[UCI</a> Nursing](<a href=“]UCI”></p>