Nursing programs at USF, Mills, Dominican U of CA, San Jose/San Francisco State


<p>I am applying as a nursing major to University of San Francisco, Mills College (in collaboration with Samuel Merritt University), Dominican University of California, San Jose State University and San Francisco State University.</p>

<p>Can anyone tell me which schools has the better nursing program and which nursing programs are harder to get into.</p>

<p>The first three schools listed are my top three choice, so it's more important to mention them.</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>USF is the best program–4yr BSN with graduate level through DNP (Nurse Practitioner)–very difficult to get into, very expensive. Mills, Saint Marys, and Holy Names collaborate with Samuel Merritt, and they’re rated very highly too. Samuel Merritt is not rated quite as highly as USF, though it is a wonderful program–not quite as difficult to get into if you go through the three feeder schools, but this path is as $$ as USF. USF has many alumni all over No.CA, many hospitals for a wide variety of choices during clinicals. If you go with Samuel Merritt, you would be driving back and forth from the parent school, though they’re all within 15 mile radius.
Dominican University in Marin county is a 4 year program, is a bit easier to get into, every bit as pricey as the former two. the program is not rated nearly as highly as USF or Merritt. there are a few threads on that are very complementary of Dominican Univ. You should really use as a resource. Dominican’s website seems to lend the false impression that the Nursing program is housed in a small shack, but the program houses a much larger footprint of the campus than you would think. </p>

<p>San Jose State and SF State are really terrific programs, rated as highly as any CA State programs. They’re much less expensive to earn your 4-yr BSN, but you will be fighting a numbers game. If you make it, jackpot; if not, you need to wait…and wait… and…
You may also wish to look at BIMSON (Betty Irene Moore school of nursing) of UC Davis–they’re starting a BSN program in 2011. BIMSON already has begun their graduate programs for Nursing. You can’t ignore these guys.<br>
for other CSU schools, you may also want to consider CSU Sacramento, or Chico; they have very mature Nursing programs. for other private schools with 4-yr BSN, outside No. California, you might consider USD, Mt. St. Mary’s, Portland Univ or Seattle Univ on the West Coast. These are all nursing schools that I can personally vouch for. sorry… too much information…</p>

<p>I am also applying to USF and Dominican for nursing and maybe SJSU. I have heard USF has a great nursing program. USF is expensive, but they give out scholarships if you have good grades, test score etc. You may also want to look at UC Irvine and UCLA nursing programs, because they are also very good.</p>

<p>I just realized this thread is 1 year old… Well the info above is for anyone else that may read this.</p>

<p>I know the thread is old but I never see people applying to UCSF. There are 3 nursing schools in SF. I went to SFSU 30 years ago and I didn’t even know UCSF had one then otherwise I would have applied.</p>

<p>Oh, UCSF is graduate level only.</p>

<p>I think SJ State does its clinicals at magnet hospitals in the South Bay (El Camino, Stanford).</p>