Nursing programs in the south?

<p>I'm currently a junior in high school and I plan on majoring in nursing in college. I live in the south and I've started looking into nursing schools, but I don't really know what to be looking for. I am just looking for anyone's opinion on what schools in the south have good quality nursing programs!</p>

<p>One of the best programs is at UVa, but admissions are very selective. From what I’ve seen, there are fewer programs in the southeast than the northeast that admit students directly from high school - many have people apply after they finish a year or two of college.</p>

<p>^^^the same program bias exists on the Left Coast.</p>

<p>I noticed that there are not many direct entry. I dont know many in the south, but there is Emory. UVA, UNC.</p>

<p>Clemson has a direct entry nursing program as well.</p>

<p>Univ of Alabama has a good nursing program.</p>