Nursing Schools?

<p>Hello! I'm a Junior in high school who's actively trying to find potential colleges. </p>

<p>A little bit about me: I'm hoping to go into nursing (direct entry 4 year BSN program), and then become a nurse practitioner. I'm going to make this short and say that I get mostly A's and B's (Sophomore year I got almost all straight A's). This year I'm taking some AP and IB classes + electives. I do a bunch of extra curricular activities.</p>

<p>I've come across many schools so far, but here are the main ones:</p>

<p>*Northeastern U
*University of Vermont
University of Connecticut</p>

<p>I was just wanting to know how are the Nursing programs there? (Especially Uvm and Northeastern) </p>

<p>Thank you!!</p>

<p>Georgetown is extremely hard for admissions for all programs. It is OK to have one reach school, just don’t count on them. Georgetown is more selective than the data might appear because they make it hard to apply.</p>

<p>^I’m definitely not counting on them, just keeping my options open! :)</p>