Let’s address the elephant in the room, because I blanked for like 3 minutes before writing that thematic essay…
what was the multiple choice with the Ottoman empire
not sure if my thematic is gonna cut it
I chose the one that said the Arabian Peninsula, and southern Spain I think
what was the mc with the floating gardens?
I feel like my wasn’t that good…
How about the last multiple choice question with the cartoon?
The Incas, floating gardens = Chinampas
I feel like my DBQ wasn’t that good I mean
The DBQ, I feel like it was fair unlike the thematic
@alexhuang76 Which one I’m having trouble remembering
@“Albert G.” What did you write about for the thematic and DBQ?
whats the curve
It depends on your raw score, but here is the conversion chart http://www.nysedregents.org/concht/611/ghp-cc611.pdf
for the thematic:
Nile River (Egypt)–> unpredictable flooding -->devastation of crops each year–> dams were built to stop that
then I said how that lead to the negative outlook on the gods.
I then compared that to Mesopotamia and how it was the opposite there where the flooding was predictable and favorable over there, and that this lead to the positive outlook on the gods
I then did: camel -->Sahara desert–> desert was too hot for humans to go without stopping frequently
I talked about how the camels could go weeks at a time without water and could carry twice as much as their own weight, which was highly beneficial in hot climates.
I then compared that to the Silk Road where the camel was not used as much since it wasn’t as hot.
not gonna lie…I think I killed the thematic
@hipsterical I don’t remember myself but it involved the United Nations, Germany, Italy, and etc.
how long was everyones dbq
which counts more the DBQ or the thematic or do they count the same?
I feel like the DBQ was similar to the Thematic, the documents weren’t very helpful. You had to incorporate a lot of outside information, can’t just rely on the documents.