<p>so far I have not received any notifications or emails from nyu announcing that they have received my application, much less being able to check my status. am i the only one in the same bubble?</p>
<p>I got an email on Jan 13 saying they received my app and gave me a student ID number:</p>
<p>Dear CoffeeAddict9716,</p>
<p>We have received your application for admission. Thank you very much for applying. </p>
<p>All applicants to NYU receive a randomly assigned University ID number. Your number is *********. Please keep this number handy and use it in any future correspondence or telephone contact with us. </p>
<p>Due to the high volume of mail that our office is currently receiving, we are not able at this time to confirm what materials we already have (or have not) received in support of your application. For a complete list of application requirements, please visit our web site at admissions.nyu.edu and click on the “Applying for Admission” tab. Please also be sure to review the Special Admissions Requirements section to see if any additional steps will be necessary to bring your application to completion.</p>
<p>We urge you to visit our web site often, as we update information frequently. If you can’t find the answer to your question on our web site, in one of our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sections, or in one of our Forums, please feel free to call our office. The telephone number for the admissions office is (212) 998-4500. </p>
<p>Thanks again for applying! </p>
<p>Manager of Operations
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
New York University </p>
<p>Check your email again to make sure you didn’t get a confirmation letter. If they never recognized they got your app, I would call the school. I hope everything works out for you!</p>
<p>uh oh that doesnt sound good haha. i just checked my email again and didn’t find anything from them its weird though because they’ve sent me like financial aid postcards and stuff but nothing about the application…
but yeah i’ll definitely take up your advice and call the school tomorrow! thank you for your help! :)</p>
<p>gah, i’m in the same boat as loveocean!</p>
<p>Some girl from my school said today that she got into NYU. She didn’t do EA or anything, but none of my other friends got letters just yet. Haha. Did NYU send our decisions already? Or could she just be lying? Hmm. haha/</p>
<p>I know somebody that said today they got into NYU too, so i don’t think it is a coincidence, haha. I wonder why they got their acceptance letters so early?</p>
<p>I’m confused as well.
I did not get any email from NYU with a confirmation or anything
should I call them to ask if they got it?</p>
<p>Early acceptance letters are probably for people who were put in LSP. I got in that way as well.</p>
<p>As for this application, definitely call. I had my application confirmed very quickly after NYU admissions started working in full swing again.</p>
<p>i just got my 4th confirmation e-mail today, with my NYU ID.</p>
<p>it’s definitely not LSP because
a. they “don’t have my transcripts” so I definitely haven’t been reviewed.
b. i’m a steinhardt applicant.</p>
<p>I was only discussing acceptance letters, not confirmation emails, as people were discussing them earlier :)</p>
<p>Also, I looked on the NYU admissions forums. Apparently many people didn’t get emails and in all cases I looked at, the school had the application.</p>
<p>ya, i didn’t get an e-mail confirmation either, but i did get a letter reminding me to apply for financial aid, so these means that have my app right?</p>
<p>How specifically do they go about reviewing our applications? Does someone look at our online app and then put it aside and wait for the supporting materials to come? If so, is it the same person going back to the app or is it different people?</p>
<p>ironically, i was in the media department last week and i saw all the professors sitting around reading what i assumed were applications. . . </p>
<p>@nufo, i don’t think anyone here is going to know that. they didn’t even tell us that when i was in “admissions ambassador” training/group interviews.</p>