<p>Hey all…I’m auditioning for NYU-Cap 21 on Tuesday and its my first choice. I’m reaaaaaally nervous. I was wondering if anyone has any advice for me…it would be much appreciated</p>
<p>RELAX!!! Be yourself.</p>
<p>Yea, just relax and do your best- don't be inhibited about anything. Be very personal when they interview you, too. They like that.</p>
<p>Break a leg actrss100, let us know how it goes, my D is there Saturday for the advanced dance, and is nervous as well!</p>
<p>All you can do is be as prepared as possible. If you think your package is good, then you will be fine. Just perform your best and like broadwaycorey said, be yourself. They will really be looking to see who you are! Especiall in the interview. I can tell you, many people I have talked to, some accepted adn some not, say that their interview is what makes or breaks you. You can have a so-so audition with a few mess ups but if they love you in the interview its a huge advantage. And vice versa as well...you can blow their socks off and perform the best you ever have, but if you are boring and they have to pry answers out of you in the interview, thats not too good!</p>
<p>Just relax though, try to find a quiet corner a few minutes before you go in to the room and just collect your thoughts...do some deep breathing or whatever you do to relax...but do take a few minutes to yourself and don't talk to anyone. Think about ur monos and/or songs...think about what ur character wants..how they are going to get it, etc.</p>
<p>just make sure you aren't late for your flight..........airports are a mess.</p>
<p>audition went great! auditors were so nice! anyone with questions can feel free to PM me</p>
<p>whod you have?</p>
<p>..did I miss something?</p>
<p>Did you get to meet Lee? I was so impressed with him in Chicago.
Glad it went well for you!</p>
<p>xxx,Mary Anna</p>
<p>No, I don't believe Lee was at my audition. I was very impressed with each of the artistic reviewers. They were really nice during the orientation, and my auditioner was so sweet.</p>