NYU Class of 2027 Official Thread

This is the official discussion thread for NYU Class of 2027 RD applicants. Ask your questions and connect with fellow applicants.

RD Application Deadline is: January 5


i don’t see any posts here yet…

how’s everyone doing? anyone applied to stern?


My son applied RD on 12/26 and has not received an acknowledgement or NYU ID/portal info. He called the school and they confirmed they had his application, but nothing by email yet.
Anyone else in this situation? Technically, they have had his application for 8 days, due to the holiday break.

i have, we’ll see how it goes!

Check the spam email?

good luck! let’s keep each other updated

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My daughter applied RD to Steinhardt :crossed_fingers:

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In my daughter’s NYU portal under the financial aid checklist, it lists CSS but not FAFSA. I did get a separate email that they received my FAFSA, but I’m not seeing it in the portal. I reached out weeks ago and they said it would update. Does anyone mind checking their portal to let me know if it lists both FAFSA and CSS? Thanks!

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on my portal, it lists both the CSS and FAFSA as received. I also got the email that they received both.


Perfect - thanks! I will reach out again

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Wish her all the Best! Mine is now attending Steinhardt’s Dean’s Welcome for New Undergraduates - Spring 2023. We’re getting all excited for her.

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I have too. Did you guys hear of any stern applicants were actually admitted to Liberal Studies Core?

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Did anybody else’s kid get a survey from NYU admissions? They say it doesn’t affect admissions, but they ask for personal info including what other schools you are applying to. I think the smart thing is to not fill it out and retain privacy, but a little part of me wonders if I should. I had put it out of mind and today she got another reminder about it.

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yeah got it too. our CC told us to not flll it out


yeah, i filled it out

there are additional information questions that you can “hint” more about why you want to attend NYU, even if it may not be your first choice (like second choice school), in the case they actually do track who you are

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Folks on reddit A2C seem to think it is NYU gathering marketing data in case state of NY bans ED (which it is considering doing) b/c RD yield at NYU is very low


hi, i sent NYU an application update because i wanted to clarify a few things

  1. wind ensemble winning gold medal regional award, and explicitly mentioning wind ensemble competing at a national level and being invited to a national competition (which i listed in my original app, but didn’t list winning gold); an accomplishment i stated i was proud of and thought worthwhile to clarify
  2. correcting hours for varsity sport with reason to back it up; only thought hours counted when training with actual team, not dedicating time to it by myself
  3. correcting hours for business initiative with reason to back it up; beginning of the year only a few hours because recruiting people, but now more time spent to train and lead

i’m now overthinking and idk if that’s a correct way to use the “update application” feature. i just hope it doesn’t take too much of a toll on my app. thank you for your thoughts!


I think No 1 is legit. 2 and 3 won’t make a diff either way imo.

great thanks!

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hey all,

does anyone know the process of sending a midterm report to NYU? I see the option to do it on the portal, but it would be considered an unofficial transcript.

would my counselor email the admissions@nyu.edu email and send my midterm report to them instead, or do they also look at unofficial transcripts too?

thank you!