NYU Liberal Studies to College of Nursing?

<p>I applied to NYU's College of Arts and Sciences to major in Political Science under Early Decision II and was recently admitted to its Liberal Studies Program. I wanted to become a lawyer before but now have decided to become a nurse (I became interested in this career after volunteering at a hospital). Is it possible for me to enroll in the College of Nursing (it is one of the best in the nation) after I complete the 2 required years in the Liberal Studies program?</p>

<p>[New</a> York University - College Of Nursing](<a href=“http://www.nyu.edu/nursing/academicprograms/bachelors/transfers.html]New”>http://www.nyu.edu/nursing/academicprograms/bachelors/transfers.html)</p>

<p>I would check with the College of Nursing at NYU to see if they would give you any statistics/odds about the number of students who are able to transfer each year into the Nursing major from other majors at the school. My D graduated from the Univ. of Delaware last summer. She said there were only a few transfer students into the 4 yr. BSN Program Nursing Program each year she was there (she even said that some students who applied for transfer with nearly 4.0 GPA’s at UD were not accepted). I suspect that this is probably the case at all high quality direct entry Nursing Programs as most programs only have a small number of students and the drop out/failure rate is extremely small. I would not recommend that any applicant to high quality universities apply to another major or undecided with the goal of transferring into the nursing major later as they are unfortunately likely to be very disappointed. Perhaps the situation at NYU is different but I doubt it. As you have already been accepted to NYU perhaps you could check with the Admissions Office there and inquire about the feasibility of switching your admission major to Nursing (but this might not be possible if they have already reached their quota of acceptances to the Nursing Program). It is at least worth a try. Best of luck to you.</p>