NYU Meyers college of nursing

Hey guys! I am a current freshman interested in the field of nursing. I am also interested in the NYU college of nursing, but I was wondering if the tuition is worth it. Many students have complained that their classes are extremely overcrowded and the price to go there is not worth it. Do any of you guys agree or disagree?
Another question that I have about NYU Meyers is :
If we get into NYU are we automatically accepted into the college of nursing?(like, is the acceptance rate 33%?) because schools in California mostly require supplemental applications for the college of nursing.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this:)

If you want as much certainty as possible that you will enter a nursing program focus on direct-admit programs. These are programs that will directly admit you into nursing as early as freshman year. For example, my daughter will attend a direct admit program that includes two nursing course her freshman year - clinicals start sophomore year.

In looking quickly at NYU’s program it was hard to tell if it’s direct admit or not. You’ll have to ask those questions of any program you are interested in. We found that some schools play a little loose with that definition. Our definition of direct admit was admission to nursing as a freshman, with no extra steps to proceed other than a minimum GPA and required coursework. Non-direct admit programs will rank freshmen according to GPA, and only take the top whatever.

There are many direct admit programs across the country that are cheaper than NYU - it sounds like if you are coming from California you have geographic flexibility. You will definitely want to look at other schools as well, both for direct admit possibilities and cost.

I think @Banker1 is in California and has a daughter who applied to several schools for direct admission to nursing. There is a list on CC but it might be out of date.

If you can get admitted to NYU’s nursing program, you probably would also be eligible for a 50% off of tuition merit scholarship from a lesser known private college. For all fields except business, full pay or near full pay at NYU is probably not worth it. NYU is responsible for many of the worst stories of students going into severe debt.

The starting salaries for RNs are the same regardless of how much you paid for your degree.

@imadimdum my D is a high school senior who applied to a few CA direct entry nursing and pre-Nursing programs .
most BSN programs are pre-Nursing and not just in CA. From memory the CA direct entry programs that we considered were:
Azusa Pacific
Dominican U

She applied OOS as well but not to the programs you have listed and I am not familiar with those.

I was going to recommend you check out the nursing-major specific area but it looks like you are posting there now. There are threads to see the journey nursing hopefuls have made this year. And there you can find the list of direct entry BSN programs in the US sorted by state.

I got in but I am definitely not paying 76k to go to a nursing school.