NYU or University of Miami for CS/IR?

<p>I'm accepted to the University of Miami and NYU, and waitlisted at four other schools, but I still have to choose between the two. </p>

<p>I'm interested in computer science and International Relations/political science, but I may decide that neither of those are for me, I'm not completely sure. Can someone compare those programs at the two colleges? How would a 5 year dual degree B.E./B.S. (in comp sci and eng) from NYU/NYU Poly compare to a B.S. (in CS) from Miami? Is there anything else I should know about the two schools when you compare them? </p>

<p>Thanks in advance for the help.</p>

<p>I’m a finance major who has applied to transfer from UM to NYU. UM has not turned out to be what I expected. Most of the students are only interested in partying, the academic environment sucks and Miami as a city pales in comparison to NYU.</p>

<p>I can’t tell you much about the program, because I’m in the business school, but if I were you, it would not even be a debate for me. NYU is indefinitely preferable to UM.</p>

<p>The only levels on which UM and NYU are similar are the academics and city. We’re both located in or near large cities, and we both have very similar academic programs.</p>

<p>In everything else, there are huge differences.</p>

<p>Florida or New York?
Hot or cold?
Suburbs or city?
Beach or skiing?</p>

<p>It’s all up to your own preferences.</p>

<p>For poly sci, UM does not appear in the rankings (?), whereas NYU is ranked #17. If you’re interested in healthcare with regard to poly sci, UM is where it’s at, because we do have the former secretary of Health and Human services as our president.</p>

<p>In terms of the CS programs, specifically, NYU is ranked #28, and I was unable to find UM on the rankings (?)</p>

<p>Overall, UM is ranked #47; NYU is #33.</p>

<p>So if your only concern is which will look best to your future employer, NYU wins out.</p>

<p>If it helps, the only school I would ever consider attending, besides UM, is NYU. But, for me, UM wins out.</p>

<p>NYU is the only school that I visited that I didn’t end up applying to, basically due to lack of campus feel, ugly buildings, annoying hipsters everywhere,etc.</p>

<p>Yes, even though I go to UM, I feel NYU has an edge academically for sure, but don’t let that deter you. UM attracts a different type of student than NYU and as a result both schools have much different feelings.</p>

<p>I don’t know about CS, but I’m taking some international studies courses here and I like them and the IS kids are a lot more intellectual and politically inclined than the (lol) business school kids.</p>

<p>As for the person in the first response:</p>

<p>Business school in itself is inherently a joke simply for the reason that the only positive of it is to make money as opposed to actually learning about life and succeeding in your field to make money.</p>

<p>I don’t care where you go for B-school, it’s still attracts the largest amount of clowns out of any department of a university.</p>