<p>Hi I have just enrolled for all my classes except one Cultures and Contexts: Asian/Pacific/American Cultures. It was full in like 5 mins, I was wondering if this is normal? They do not have a waitlist so does that mean it is impossible to sign up for this class this fall?</p>
<p>So I am now wondering if it is possible to not take Text and Idea or Culture and Context this fall? As I do not want to take T&I together with WTE and I am only interested in that C&C class so I will try enrol in it during the next sem. </p>
<p>Currently I am enrolled in : 1)WTE
2) Calc 1
3) Micro</p>
<p>Yeah, classes part of MAP (Morse Academic Plan) tend to fill up quickly during registration. If the course is labeled closed (that blue/gray-ish box that appears), then you can’t get in. But don’t freak out; there are many students who hold off taking Cultures and Context or Text and Ideas until they’re upperclassmen. I had several seniors in my Cultures and Context class. You don’t have to finish your MAP requirements by the end of your sophomore year (although I’m not sure if there are any personal conditions that would specifically require <em>you</em> to). I’d advise you to just find another class you need that can fill in for the C&C you wanted.</p>