Nyu transfer applicant - read my short essays please!

<p>Hi everyone,
I am currently in the process of applying to NYU as a transfer student.
If anyone could please glance over my short answer essays, and critique them, I would really appreciate it.
Thanks so much,


<p>1) Describe a trait or characteristic that has been passed along to you by your family. Tell us why you like or dislike this aspect of yourself.</p>

<p>I am impatient. Im the type of person who stands on his toes and stares through the microwave window waiting for his food to cook. I have developed a zero-tolerance policy for waiting. Though patience is known to be a virtue, I can honestly say that impatience is ironically one of my best attributes. When I want something, or when I have a goal to accomplish, I work like mad-man driven by impatience in order to achieve its end. </p>

<p>2) New York City is an essential element of academic and cultural life at NYU. If you could engage in an activity or start a club or service organization at NYU, what would it be and how would you envision it impacting the larger community.</p>

<p>If I were to establish an event at NYU, I would definitely organize a drum circle in Washington Square Park. I myself am an avid drummer and passionate musician, and can honestly say from my own personal experience, that music, more than anything else, brings people together. The drum circle will not require its participants to have any musical experience, because rhythm comes naturally to us as humans. I can see this event impacting the larger community, as it will bring foreign students and locals together in a friendly musical arena, helping to establish new friendships and contacts, which are vital in a big competitive city.</p>

<p>3) You have been selected to sing in a talent show. What song would you choose? Why?</p>

<p>Without any hesitation or doubt in my mind, i would sing "Carry on my Wayward Son", by Kansas. Yes, On the surface this may seem like the cheesiest and lamest rock song ever, however the opposite is true. This song contains a deeply profound and almost biblical story. The lyrics even make reference to the Greek Mythological story of Daedalus and Socratic philosophy. "Carry on" tells the account of a confused young man drifting through life, confronted with intellectual problems in his pursuit of ultimate happiness. It offers benevolent and wise advice to "carry on", as in the end, all his problems will work themselves out. I feel that I myself can really relate to the lyrics, to such an extent that I sometimes feel the song is written directly about me! </p>

<p>4) Please tell us what led you to select your anticipated academic program and/or NYU school/college, and what interests you most about your intended discipline.</p>

<p>I am completely fascinated with philosophy. I was given an Ayn Rand book on philosophy as a young teen for my birthday. Immediately after thanking my uncle for the present, i plopped the book onto my bedroom shelf where it sat collecting dust for a year! After choosing to read it one day, I noticed my sincere interest for the subject of philosophy. I soon began arguing with my religious grandpa at our Tuesday deli dinners over the existence of god, as I grew foolishly mad over the subject. I spend my time reading and studying the philosophers which interest me, particularly Baruch Spinoza (a shared favorite with my Grandpa and I). I have established, and am currently leading, as president, a new philosophy club at Santa Monica College. At this club, I plan to present guest lecturers (mostly consisting of recent graduate students from nearby schools such as UCLA and USC) and set-up team debates on current philosophical topics. This experience will hopefully expand my philosophical horizon, along with the others in the club.</p>

<p>nyu transfer essays are supposed to be 500 characters at most.</p>

<p>well, I don’t have time right now…but you started well…so attractive…I will try to get back and try my best…
good luck!</p>