

<p>I am really hoping to apply to ED NYU next year and I was wondering what kind of essay questions are on the Embark Application for NYU? I just wanna get a feel of what they asked this year because I am taking AP Lang right now and we are talking about College Aps Essays and I want to write about something NYU asks about so I can get ready. Is is like a choice your own topic, a bunch of short answers, or a prompt? Thanks</p>

<p>The short answer have been traditionally:</p>

<p>1) You are selected to sing in a talent show. What song would you sing and why?</p>

<p>2) Name one trait passed down to you that you like or dislike and why.</p>

<p>3) Something about how diversity is integral to NYU. If you were selected to start a club what would it be and why.</p>

<p>4) Explain what you did last summer.</p>

<p>5) Why led you to your anticipated major?</p>

<p>All under 500 characters.</p>

<p>These aren’t the exact words but its something like them.</p>

<p>Explain what you did last summer wasn’t one of the personal statements, you don’t have to be creative or anything with that. They just want to know that you’re doing productive things over the summer like a summer program or job, volunteer work, etc</p>