Oberlin Open House Friday

<p>I am a parent of a prospective student who just returned from her visit. She said that the classes and professors were great, but that the students were not very welcoming and that there was nothing to do. Did others find this? Did anyone make it to the Annual Dance Concert or go to a coffeehouse? What was your impression?</p>

<p>Sidhuey: See my thread in this forum “Report: Oberlin Weekend Visit.” I offer a lot of details, too lengthy to repeat here. But let me say this, I would not describe (I was there) the students as not very welcoming. I’d say they were more nerdy, geeky, introverted, academically intense than at some other LACs we’ve visited. There is no Greek life at Oberlin. There are athletics but most of the students could care less about athletics. To me, Oberlin is a school filled with really smart, awkward Napolean Dynamite types. Twice, I walked past a student (outside) who was talking to himself/herself. No, neither had a Bluetooth ear device or headphones. They were talking to themselves! I watched their lips move and heard the words. I found it amusing.</p>



<p>Haha, I’ve done this! I try to refrain from doing it in public, but I got called out once and it was really awkward :D</p>

<p>This is a really busy time of the year, for everyone. I would have loved to have hosted prospective students, but have been overwhelmed by work. One weekend definitely isn’t characteristic of life at Oberlin.</p>

<p>Dear Plainsman,</p>

<p>Thank you so much for your reply and detailed description of your experience and your daughter’s impressions. Our daughter is an intellectual, creative spirit who also wants a social life and to date in college. I applaud her interest in finding a balance and understand her concern that there did not seem to be a lot of kids just laughing and having fun on a Friday night. She is also considering Bryn Mawr and Skidmore which she will visit this week.</p>

<p>Good luck to you and your daughter!</p>

<p>Hm. I’ve never found Oberlin students to be unwelcome. I chose the school because everyone was so friendly to me. There about 6 parties that Friday… David Bowie Cover Band, punk show, etc scattered throughout campus. Coffeehouse, once it got rolling, was great; Spring Back was awesome and really fun.</p>

<p>quibbler: We were aware of some of the school-related parties/gatherings on Friday night, but we decided to pass because it was also our youngest child’s birthday. We decided to leave campus to celebrate as a family.</p>

<p>I think Oberlin is a great institution and the best fit for my daughter. My only concern is the distance away from us and, i think, that is her concern too.</p>

<p>Quibbler - I am so surprised to hear that there was so much going on socially. I am thinking that my daughter should visit again, but how can I ensure that she is hosted by someone who will take her around and not just stay in her dorm room? I suppose I can ask the admissions office to find a more outgoing person to host her.</p>

For Friday night, there’s different strokes for different folks. I’ve got some friends who are really not party people-- they’re awesome people, just not into dance-shmooze-dance thing. As for Coffeehouse and Spring Back… I think they were on the Events Calendar and pretty openly advertised. I’m sorry your daughter got a less-outgoing host, but that’s not the majority. When I visited, my host had to finish a paper, so I just adventured on my own. It worked out okay-- if you just follow the posters, you can find most of the early evening entertainment. From there, you ask folks where the parties are. Oberlin has a really huge music-scene, so there’s lots of parties on the weekends.</p>