<p>My status still hasn’t changed to tested. Does that mean that my test hasn’t been graded?</p>
<p>@Shrekhanal 27 is no where near horrible. Views on how good scores are, are very corrupt, for lack of a better word, and everyone here believes anything under say 30 is awful. In reality, 27 is a very good score.</p>
<p>@PassionForUMiami Thanks! I’m just really nervous and kind of mentally kicking myself over one of the places I chose to send my score to, but all of the others I’d at least be in the low end of the stats range for based on my guesses.</p>
<p>Goal: 31-32
Expected:29 </p>
<p>also tested, Chicago. w/ writing</p>
<p>Although I didn’t take this October ACT, I’ve been following the posts. My score from September was higher than I expected so hopefully many of you will achieve your desired goals! Best of luck </p>
<p>Goal: 35
Expected: 33-34</p>
<p>Goal: 33
Expected: 31</p>
<p>Wow, I want to try!</p>
Expected: 28-29</p>
<p>I mean I got a 31 last time (first time), but I feel like that was a fluke.</p>
<p>Goal: 36
Expected: 34-36
34 in June so hoping to improve</p>
<p>Goal: 30
Expected: 28-30</p>
<p>Goal: 31
Expected: 28-30</p>
<p>Goal: 34
Expected: 29-31 (Uggghh science)</p>
<p>I know the feeling. My goal was 33, but science really screwed me on this one.</p>
<p>Do you guys think there is any chance I could get at least a 25 on science if I guessed on like 15 of them?</p>
<p>Goal: 32
Expected: 31 or 32</p>
<p>Goal: 33
Expected: 31-32</p>
<p>I think i missed
3 in english
3 in math
7 in reading
4 in science</p>
<p>does 31-32 seem right? what do you guys think?</p>
<p>I’ve been following this thread for about a week so I guess it’s time to participate!</p>
<p>Goal: 30-32
Expected: 28-30</p>
<p>Still registered :’( :’(</p>
<p>my goal: 33
expecting: 32</p>
<p>come on reading let’s be 30+ :p</p>
<p>How generous do you guys think the science curve will be?</p>