October 2014 ACT discussion thread

<p>When you guys say midnight, which time zone are you referring to?</p>

<p>Ditto @ArmandoB
Tbh, they’re all talking about 32’s here and I’m like 28 and I’ll be in heaven =P…
The science messed me up def…</p>

<p>Will my status change tonight from registered to tested or will I definitely have to wait until tomorrow morning?</p>

<p>Ok so if the science curve sucks, I’m not even interested in my score lol this is gonna suck</p>

<p>@CollegePanda96‌ did the report not give you the breakdown on the number missed per section?</p>

<p>nvm. Vandy portal doesn’t give breakdown. oops XD</p>

<p>I still hope -1 science is 36 lol</p>

<p>@wilguen‌ Lol… the struggle!
I’ve been wondering the exact same… I don’t want to wait!</p>

<p>Two more hours hopefully!</p>

<p>Goal: 35
Expected: 32-33</p>

<p>I was definitely slightly more confident in this test compared to the September one, but just like a lot of people are saying, science was difficult. I hope that the science curve is significantly more generous. </p>

<p>I am so scared!!!</p>

Expected 32 </p>

<p>I have a 31 composite but I think I did a bit better on some sections which hopefully can bring up my superscore. </p>

<p>I hope i get a 36… that would be wild</p>

<p>ugh already having to stay up till midnight to register for my next semester of classes, but now going to be up till 1 ETZ to see scores. Need a better score to advance in the Nursing Program at my college so this is pretty damn stressful</p>

<p>hey, watch a 2 hour movie :smiley: passs timeee</p>

<p>does anyone imagine ACT employees watching over this thread evilly laughing to themselves? </p>

<p>so are the scores coming out at 12 am then?</p>

<p>They said on Twitter “scores are typically reported by 8am cst” so who knows!!! Great news thanks ACT</p>

<p>@jackpete supposedly… but that is central time so 1am for ET or 11pm for WT</p>

<p>so then alaska time is probably 9 pm, good dont have to stay up as late</p>

<p>Does status ever changed to “tested” late at night? Or no hope for my son to see his scores in this round?</p>