<p>I got a 31C. Staying up to figure out how I did in each section.</p>
<p>god dammit why did it have to be 12 CST</p>
<p>Sucks living in the eastern time zone</p>
<p>Only 59min. To go</p>
<p>it’s 12 EST… one more hour</p>
<p>@JSSMIT which school’s portal did you see your score?</p>
<p>Everyone on here is so smart! You guys have nothing to worry about </p>
<p>That awful moment when you want to talk to people on cc, but you realize that your phone is at 2% battery </p>
<p>would be pretty angry anxiously waiting the next hour only to find out that they don’t come out until morning</p>
<p>so positive science screwed me over</p>
<p>Yep lol</p>
<p>Me too</p>
<p>Let’s play a game!!</p>
<p>30 composite. . . room for improvement i guess?</p>
<p>Well, good luck to those in the east. I’m gonna go and finish my calc homework now :)</p>
<p>so the scores could possibly be up at 12 AM? Logically is that possible though-won’t none of the ACT people be at their place anymore?</p>
<p>@reb1rr I saw your tweet LOL </p>
<p>february was up at 12 AM i remember</p>
<p>@anepicidian how did you view your composite score?</p>
<p>but how or who will release the scores? Are there still people there at the test headquarters?</p>