<p>they curved math like an angel. I had to miss at least 3 and still got a 35. </p>
<p>UGH. the worst thing is to get the same composite, especially since was my last time taking it. </p>
<p>My second 30. Dropped 5 points in math… I am depressed now.
It wasn’t meant to be.</p>
<p>ugh, everything went down except for science, which I got a 33 on. If I got a 33 on Science in September, I would have gotten a 34. Oh well. I wasn’t trying this time.</p>
<p>Hey guys…just making sure
All y’all had your test marked as “tested” before 12 am right…?</p>
<p>omg everyone here did so well. i got my lowest score yet :(</p>
<p>@aifusenno1 wow, that reading is rough</p>
<p>I did so poorly on Reading this time around. I always super poorly on Reading but for some reason, in September, I got a 32 on it and I was like ptl. (33 C)</p>
<p>Does anyone think that the science test curve was more generous on this test? I feel like I should have gotten a lower score than my other Act tests.</p>
<p>@Yangster97 I believe so. Mine was listed as “Tested” for at least 10 hours.</p>
<p>Composite: 33
English: 32
Math: 30
Reading: 35
Science: 33 (Really surprised here)</p>
<p>Overall really happy. Was not expecting higher than a 32 for sure! Got 30 My last 2 times.</p>
<p>Wow, how frustrating my Daughter sores were as follows:
OCT: 30C SEP: 32C
31E 34E
29M 33M
27R 33R
32S 27S</p>
<p>Irony of ironies, I primarily encouraged her to take the October test to raise her Science score after three 27s in a row. Well, she raised that. For the state schools she at least has a 33 Composite Superscored. Arrgh.</p>
<p>@stripedpanda don’t look at these over concentrated scores. It took me a long time to realize two factors:
- Looking at college admittance profiles and seeing an average, for example, 30 composite for ACT does not mean you are denied. Remember, to get an average like that, many students need “high” scores, AS WELL AS “low” scores to balance that out.
- The average ACT score is a 21, which is the 49-50th percentile and you can be in the TOP 10th percentile with a score of 28. </p>
<p>So in that regards, what score did you get?</p>
<p>32 c
34 e
28 m
31 r
35 s. Happy overall, but annoyed bc I thought I did way better in math. I’m really really good at math except when it’s on the act apparently. </p>
Mediocre in comparison to my SAT which is most likely a 2300+ for the November test (currently 2200)</p>
<p>Is it worth it at all to continue to study for a 36? I was literally one point away from getting a composite of 36.</p>
<p>@acebrigade truthfully, no</p>
<p>Anyone know how long I have to wait if it still says registered? 8 AM? </p>
<p>I waited to see my score before sending it to colleges. Does anyone know when the colleges will receive my score report if I pay to send it out today?? </p>
35 English
34 math
33 reading
31 science</p>
<p>I AM SO HAPPY… :)))) </p>