Will more scores be posted later today? ** </p>
<p>Probably not - more will be posted on Froday probably. </p>
<p>C 29
E 32
M 28
R 27
S 29
I’m indifferent on this one. Of course I want a higher score but I was expecting my scores to be like this.
The first time I got
C 31
E 34
M 28
R 34
S 26
So I’m glad my math at least didn’t go down and my science went up. Reading was a struggle for me. :/</p>
<p>So schools look at the highest in each sub section right? Bc I messed up so bad. </p>
C 29
E 29
M 31
R 26
S 31</p>
C 30
E 28
M 34
R 31
S 28</p>
<p>If I’m still registered how long do I have to wait? Please anyone?</p>
<p>I ****ing hate act. I really want my scores. This is such bull. </p>
<p>For September’s test, we received our scores around 1:30pm CST on the release date. ACT’s website says they release more on Wednesday and Friday. But since today is the official release day of the October test, I’d expect them to be done multiple times during the day. So just keep watching.</p>
<p>Composite 30
English 31
Usage/Mechanics 17
Rhetorical Skills 15
Mathematics 27
Pre al/elem 15
Alg/cooed geom 14
Plane geom/trig 13
Reading 33
Social studies/sciences 16
Arts/lit 18
Science 28</p>
<p>Satisfied but will definelty try again, math for sure can improve. By all means however, 30 is a great score</p>
<p>@Johnshaughn I hope to fricking God they do. September: 31 Comp, 33M, 32E, 30R, 28S. October: 29 Comp, 25M, 26S, 34R, 32E. If they don’t I applied to NYU Stern and UMich Ross for finance and a 25 math, if they consider it, will get me rejected. I am so paranoid rn…</p>
<p>WOOT! 34 Composite!!</p>
<p>35 E
36 R
35 S
…28 M XD</p>
<p>The whole reason I retook the test was to boost my math score above a 30, but all of my scores stayed the same from June except for Science (32-35!).</p>
<p>Should the 28 in math keep me from sending this to schools, despite the 34 composite? I have a 2240 in the SAT (760CR, 690M, 790W) and am waiting on my November SAT scores. Do schools care if you have one section that is a lot lower than the others or do they only care about the composite?</p>
<p>@BMEAero Thanks for the response.
Everyone else who has been reporting their scores this morning: were y’all’s tests marked as registered before today?</p>
<p>Ugh 30 composite again.
31E, 32M, 31R, 25S</p>
<p>I knew science screwed me over. Should I even bother sending my ACT scores? If I can superstore I get a 31C. But my SAT is a 2020 which is like the same thing. </p>
<p>First time taking the ACTs</p>
<p>C 32
E 34
M 34
R 31
S 29</p>
<p>Has anyone status changed from registered to tested TODAY? </p>
36 C
36 E
36 M
36 R
36 S
First time taking it and so excited! Does anybody know if colleges care about the essay?? Worried about that cause I had no idea what to write.</p>
<p>@ACTatertots, congrats!
I’m so waiting for the next 10 minutes so I can blow up act chat, asking if more scores are coming </p>
<p>Is the chat closed today for veterans day…? </p>
<p>@ACTatertots The first time I’ve EVER seen a perfect 36! Congrats :)</p>
<p>I’m still registered as well. The struggle. @jamesjunkers What state are you from?</p>
<p>@fourfourfour, New York… I’m connecting to a chat agent now, Ill let everyone know if they are posting more scores when I get an answer </p>