October 2014 ACT discussion thread

<p>What did you guys get on your essays. I got a 10, and my essay wasn’t even that good in my opinion.</p>

<p>So the first time I took the ACT I went in cold, and this time I went in after months of hard work and studying. For about 2-3 months I did a section a day. I practiced so much that it became second nature. For English I went from a 28-32-35 I just did a lot of practice and focused on ones I didn’t do well on. I brushed up on some grammar rules and rhetoric. I’m not good at the NOT questions so I isolated those and did a lot. For math I went from a 29-34-31 I again, did as many practice tests as I could. I also wrote out a whole sheet of any formula or useful math tricks or math info I ever had to use on any test. This was extremely helpful because ACT reuses the same type of questions so I became used to and prepared for what they might ask. For readingI went from a 29-31-34 and I did this by extreme practice and extreme timing, I read through the whole passages and go to the shortest questions first and then the longest questions. I always finish with extra time for reading. If you time yourself enough you should be able to. I would also time myself with less time which really helps so then I would always finish with ample time. Science was my biggest leap going from 27-25-34 I did every science practice test I could. I always read the entire passage before starting the questions. I strongly recommend this because often they leave answers or clues here that make it easier to answer the question and then later you don’thave to go looking for it. I hope this helps!!</p>

<p>Science curve was really generous. I got a 26 and guessed on like 15 of them.</p>

<p>@wilguen‌ I got really frustrated with the chat representative. She was just so uncaring, and just kept repeating what was on the website. Of course we know they put this BIG two month gap for receiving scores back, but I honestly thought that most scores would be posted on the first day, especially given the extended wait time, and that the ones that had issues like bad marks, or cheating reported at the testing center, would be the stragglers. But this is ridiculous! We all paid our money for this test, and some of us get our scores while others just get hung out to dry!</p>

<p>@mberry24‌ Exactly. It seems totally unfair that pretty much random people receive their scores while others dont even though we all paid the same price (a big fee for the ACT to do what exactly?)</p>

<p>Does anyone know when writing scores are going to be posted? </p>

<p>When scores were posted last night, S’s writing score was not up. Now it is, so they are posting some kind of scores today. Though I don’t know if they are posting more MC scores. </p>

<p>You would think that with all the millions I’m sure they make every year that they would have a more efficient scoring system in place by now! I mean, this is seriously Stone Age right now.</p>

<p>Thank you @celesteroberts‌ </p>

<p>I got a 36 :slight_smile: Congratulations to everyone who met their goals!
As far as preparation for this test, by far the most helpful thing for me was taking a full practice test, in a test-like environment with a timer etc. about a week before the test. I wish I could be more helpful in terms of websites/resources to study, but honestly all I did was that one practice test and the questions they have on their website. </p>

<p>Again, congrats to everyone who did well on the October ACT and good luck to everyone taking it in December.</p>

<p>S 32
R 27
E 26
M 31
C 29

<p>Are they going to post any more scores for today?</p>

<p>@acubed12, no more until Friday :’( :’( :’(</p>

<p>Beyond annoyed. Paid good $ for the test. I’m applying to colleges early. So I need the scores NOW. </p>

<p>April 2014 test: English 34 Math 34 Reading 27 Science 28 combined English/Writing 31 COMPOSITE 31
October 2014 test: English 35 M32 R33 S32 combined English/Writing 32 COMPOSITE 33</p>

<p>Big key to D’s improved Reading and Science scores was pacing and practice. In April, she didn’t finish the last section in each of these categories. Thanks to tips found in College Confidential threads about improving Science, she learned to not bother reading most of the Science passages and go right into the Q. </p>

<p>CC is such a great resource! Good luck to all the seniors!</p>

<p>And then there’s the possibility, if it’s like last time, that my son’s scores won’t even be there on Friday. (He applied ED and EA to several schools). I honestly don’t understand how they can do this piecemeal release to students.</p>

<p>My writing scores were active when I woke up this morning, 10 hours after my MC’s. Congrats to everyone, and hope ACT gets these scores to colleges FAST.</p>

<p>E: 35
M: 32
R: 36
S: 28
C: 33</p>

<p>I am beyond happy right now. I went up in all the subjects across the board and exceeded the goal I wanted to achieve. I only wanted to get a 32 for scholarships and stuff, but now I’m over that. Congrats to everyone who got their scores and met their goals! Good luck to those of you still waiting. Hopefully, ACT releases them soon. </p>

<p>Super excited!</p>

<p>C:32 (+2)
E:31 (+0)
M:33 (+4)
R:34 (+1)
S:29 (+3)</p>

<p>I honestly have no idea what happened with Science. I guessed on so many and ran out of time. I guess they were generous with the curve </p>

<p>Congrats to everyone :D!!</p>

<p>Some of you need to calm down… you knew when you registered that the window for receiving scores was Nov 10 to Dec 29. They didn’t screw you over, they didn’t fail to deliver any promises they made, they just didn’t get all the scores out on the first day - did anyone expect otherwise? Calm down, take a deep breath, and focus on something else. You’ll get your score eventually, maybe even this Friday. If so, that’s just three days away. Is that such a big deal? I hate waiting too, but it’s really not that deep.</p>