<p>when did you get your score? (what time?)</p>
<p>Got an 8 on the writing, bringing English + writing down to 31. I also received an 8 on my SAT essay. I don’t think I’m a bad writer- in fact, I think of myself as being a very good writer and I felt confident on this essay. I used a counterexample, followed the 5 paragraph essay format, etc, not really sure why I have been receiving such low scores, I usually get 10+ on my essays. oh well. I’m taking the SAT again in December so I’ll be doing lots of essay writing practice so I can raise my score of the SAT.
Sorry to everyone who is still waiting for their scores! That sounds awful. I hope that you all get your scores soon.</p>
<p>woo hooo
my first time taking it and I got:
32 compositie
33 E
26 M(I know :()
34 R
33 S</p>
<p>10 on the essay and a E/W score of 32 </p>
<p>i thought i did much worse and the fact that i bombed the math and still did relatively good is amazing to me. </p>
<p>still taking it again in December and shooting for a 36. </p>
<p>Hopefully next week we will all get out scores</p>
<p>Ugh… Another 8</p>
<p>@jamesjunkers when did you get your scores?</p>
<p>Got a 12 on on writing and 35 E/W
Still salty that I got a 30 though … Freakin’ science … :(</p>
<p>Everyone who was asking when I got the scores - I got them earlier in the morning, just didn’t have time to post then</p>
<p>10 on the essay, 33 on E/W. Not bad considering I came into the ACT cold last time and got a 7 lol. </p>
<p>31 composite. My science score completely decimated my composite score and I thought I did well lol</p>
<p>Still dont have my writing smh… like come on</p>
<p>@DAIMYO, At least you have your section scores. Be happy about that, others don’t have that luxury. </p>
<p>@jamesjunkers lol im applying ed and they dont send score reports until writing scores are up soo kinda need it up soon</p>
<p>@DAIMYO, I applied ED too. My GC suggested I email the school with the scores, so I basically just said in the email “I understand this is unofficial, I have already requested the official report, which should come in the future. Please consider these scores with my ED application”
Then I attached a pdf of my unofficial report w/o writing </p>
<p>Got my scores yesterday:</p>
<p>English 35
Math 35
Science 36
Reading 30 :))
Composite 34</p>
<p>I guess it’s pretty good considering no prep…</p>
<p>Can anyone who got a 10 or higher on the writing please explain how they approached the essay? I got an 8 and was wondering how to improve. For example, did you use personal experience or historical examples? I used them and believe that is what may have lowered my score. </p>
<p>I got a 10. I thought my examples were really vague, and I can’t even remember exactly what I wrote. I think I used one example of something that happened at my school, but I can’t remember any of the others. I couldn’t think of any historical examples while I was writing for this one, otherwise I probably would have used one. </p>
<p>I got a 12 and all I did was sprinkle in vague examples that pertained to real life and one relating to a historical figure. I didn’t even elaborate that much but put in a sentence or two for each paragraph saying something like “Today, in the classroom…” It is still an example. I am not really sure how I got a 12 exactly but yeah I also wrote 5 paragraphs, used counter arguments because one of my friends told me that on the ACT, you have to anticipate the counter argument and defend yourself. Ex: Although some may contend that,…
But yeah other than that try to be a clear, concise, make your point strong, and be a bit clever with the way you write instead of being generic.</p>
<p>By the way, the curve on science had to be insane. I know for a fact I got AT LEAST - 2, and I got a 36</p>
<p>@scarlettlovesivy @ACTSATACT, </p>
<p>So would you guys reccomend having vague examples but mostly saying a cause and effect, such as :uniforms in schools would cause…? And also having a paragraph for counterarguments. And also how many examples/ cause and effect things did you all have. Thanks for all the advice. I will be sure to apply these ideas next time. </p>