Odds After Getting Congressional Nomination

@ChoatieMom you might have more insight into this.

My brother applied to the USNA and the NROTC scholarships. He just got word he received a NROTC scholarship for a tier 3 major (Econ). He applied to the USNA for Mech Engr. He has high stats and good leadership ECs. It’s impossible to chance someone so I’ll spare the details.

Basically since he got the congressional nomination and a NROTC scholarship, what are the general percentage odds of getting admitted? I heard it was roughly 50/50 at this point.

@10s4life: If you look at a recent USNA class profile where 1,426 offers of appointment were made based on 15,699 applications, you might think the admit rate is 9%. However, the actual rate is much higher when you consider that you must be 3Q (triple qualified: academically, physically, and medically) and have at least one nomination to be considered for an appointment. Of THAT pool, your odds are closer to 50%. USNA used to break their stats down further so you could make that calculation, but if you look at a recent USMA class profile (historically very similar to USNA/high degree of cross applications), you can see that of the 12,204 applications, 2,228 were 3Q+nom, and 1,210 were admitted for an appointment rate of 54%.

Lest anyone complain that only “qualified” applicants have a chance at any university, the service academy appointment process is much more transparent than the civilian process. Each SA applicant knows whether or not s/he received a nomination, and each knows their 3Q status. Some actually receive 3Q letters when all gates are passed, some don’t, but a letter isn’t necessary for an applicant to know s/he cleared DoDMERB, passed the CFA, and has academic stats at or above the published averages. Once you know you’re in that pool, your chances of appointment are in the 50% range for either USM/NA.

(The NROTC scholarship is not considered in the appointment scoring process, so it has no bearing on the probability of a USNA appointment.)


@ChoatieMom Wow thanks for the reply! Looks like he has a solid shot so far.

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Take note, the NROTC scholarship is a NATIONAL pool, and in theory, much more competitive, so well earned, especially as a Tier 3 which are hard to come by. The academies are bound by your district/state, so the competition is more localized, and thus, harder to calculate the odds. Best of luck as my daughter waits for her decisions there, USAFA, and USCGA…she will otherwise be utilizing her Tier 1 AF ROTC scholarship at Penn State.

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Thanks for the advice. My brother is still waiting on the USNA. If he does not get in he will use his Tier 3 NROTC scholarship at UCLA. Both would be good choices.

Congrats to your daughter!

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According to the postings over on SAF, lots of people still waiting this year. Between the new computer system and COVID, it looks like admissions is behind previous years.

Has your brother heard from his Blue & Gold officer if he is 3Q? No medical issues/waivers?

From my conversations with him he is fully qualified and his Blue & Gold officer has only had positive things to say to him.

@HazeGrey @jaglvr @ChoatieMom Thanks for the input everyone! He was admitted yesterday and will attend this Fall.


BZ to your brother. Check out some of the pinned USNA posts over on SAF regarding plebe summer. Biggest piece of advice is take time to enjoy friends/family now, finish the school year strong and spend every other moment doing PT. Heinz Lenz is gone but his spirit lives on.


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Thanks so much! Will pass that along.

@10s4life Saw a recommendation for this program on another site. Your brother might want to consider since we are quickly approaching 8 weeks until I-Day.

Thanks so much for sending, will pass along :slight_smile: