% of Gay Students at Yale

<p>According to students i met at yale, it's around 25 to 40 percent.</p>

<p>One....in four....that freakin' high!</p>

<p>Exactly HOW liberal is Yale?? Ya know, I come from an extremely conservative area and considered myself a liberal...but after getting to know some Yale students (not on CC) I now see that I am a punk-wimp of a liberal.....holy crap!! LOL</p>

<p>Yale is probably one of the most liberal institutions among it's peer group [meaning ivies and other elite universities]</p>

<p>i've heard numbers around 30%. Haha, this reminds me of an article in the Rumpus when I visited for Bulldog Days, which contained social advice for male pre-frosh and said you're more likely to be hit on by 10 guys than 1 girl. Anyway, there may also be many gay Yalies who aren't ready to open up yet about their sexual orientation, which would tend to make Facebook results unreliable.</p>

<p>*** errr this sounds unrealistic i can't imagine a shcool with even like 15 percent gay people.. nothing is wrong with it... but like i dont know its like ..why does yale have sucha high percentage? and 30 percent... thats like a fashion school -.- not trying to be sterotypical..</p>

<p>25% of Yale is not gay. One quarter of any random sampling of people is not gay, unless that sampling is taken from a GLBT affiliated group. </p>

<p>With that in mind, Yale is known as a very gay friendly school where it is easy to be out. I'm sure you'll have no problems dating and making friends there. With that said, pretty much every ivy league school is gay friendly, as are most in urban northeastern areas. Just watch out in the rougher areas of town.</p>

<p>Yale's pretty gay.
So gay that non-überly straight boys are usually questioned.</p>



<p>So, are you saying that 75% of Yale is gay?</p>

<p>omg it's like a typo.</p>

<p>It's not even a typo, its just how you interpret the sentence...</p>

<p>Right now, it's grammatically ambiguous. Does it mean ONLY 25% of Yale is not gay? Or that the claim that 25% of Yale is gay is not true? Or that 25% of Yale is not gay - and that there may be more nongayness?</p>

<p>Grammar ftw!</p>

<p>yeah, the grammar is pretty bad, no matter "how" you interpret it</p>

<p>Way to be a bunch of obnoxious CCers... you can't honestly believe i meant that a percentage larger than 75% of the Yale student body is indeed same sex oriented...</p>

<p>calm down, whoever brought it up was definitely kidding.</p>

<p>I didn't know that using English in a clear manner was obnoxious.</p>

<p>As an aspiring matriculant to Yale, this thread offends me. </p>

<p>What are you going to ask next? How many niggers/kikes/chinks attend Yale?</p>

<p>Get off your high horse and get with the real world.</p>

<p>I would expect prospectives and current students of Yale would be more liberal than the OP demonstrates. Quite sad, really.</p>

<p>Hey, I'm very liberal. And I'm definitely not prejudiced against gay people because I myself am gay ! My favorite movie is RENT, I read Alexander Hamilton's love letters, and my coming out story was even published in a major Chicago newspaper.</p>


How many niggers/kikes/chinks attend Yale?


<p>Does it offend you when Yale says the answer is 30%?</p>



<p>Your name offends me. And, your example is not analogous to the question posed by the OP. He did not use any derogatory terms, while you did.</p>