% of Gay Students at Yale

<p>What is the percentage of self-identified LGBT students at Yale?</p>

<p>Just out of curiosity</p>

<p>According to the Yale Daily News, it is "one in four, and maybe more."</p>

<p>that's a lot</p>

<p>and Byerly...just curious, where did you go to college, and how do you know so much college statitics and the such?</p>

<p>What are you implying?</p>

<p>Apparently, the "one in four" statistic was published in 1987 by a Wall Street Journal reporter, but the consensus is that it's not entirely reliable. That figure is unknown.</p>

<p>Rolling Stone
<a href="http://jaydixit.com/writing/gayatyale.htm%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://jaydixit.com/writing/gayatyale.htm&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>The number is high. I would estimate it's higher than a lot of similar schools but that's a bit unsubstantiated :)</p>

According to the Yale Daily News, it is "one in four, and maybe more."


<p>Wow. That is . . . alot.</p>

<p>It's definitely not that much (although I make up a nice...let's see...1/2,600 guys.... 0.04%?). </p>

<p>I would estimate... ~11.5% guys. ~4% for girls. I think it may SEEM higher at Yale because many more are "out" than at other schools.</p>

<p>11.5%? That's an awfully precise number.</p>

<p>Someone should do a facebook study.</p>

<p>When we had the tour of Brown, our guide told us that the percentage there was 35%. 25% at Yale doesn't sound high to me at all.</p>

<p>i'm not implying anything, it's just that the numbers are high up there</p>

<p>One in four is ridiculously high. The Yale Facebook has 444 LGB students, but that includes graduate students, alumni, and whoever else is on the network. That would seem to place the upper estimate at less than 8%.</p>

<p>It's like, woah. I did actual research just now.</p>

<p>It's Facebook, remember. VERY unscientific study so while the numbers might be in the right range (I do doubt it's as high as 25%), we can't be so exact with numbers from Facebook. For example, of the three gay students I know at Yale, one does not have a preference listed on Facebook. Whether or not a significant number of gay Yalies would not show up in Facebook, I do not know.</p>

<p>Well, so actually I just realized I could limit the category to "undergraduate" and here were the results:</p>

<p>69 "women interested in women" (including women interested in both men and women)
106 "men interested in women" (including men interested in both women and men)</p>

<p>So, that's about 3.3%, but I'll grant that not every member of 2010 has made a facebook page yet. (only about 500 of over 1000) But assuming that sexual orientation does not effect the time at which someone creates a facebook account, I'd say that those numbers are the most accurate you could get.</p>

<p>Note that the national estimate as of 2002 was 4.1% LGB (CDC)</p>

<p>EDIT: Adam's right, of course. Purely unscientific, but barring a poll of the entire university...</p>

<p>The most accurate we could get with what's available to us, but still not accurate.</p>

<p>I guess what I'm not getting is "why do you care so much?"</p>

<p>SonataX--Of course I am! :P kidding</p>

<p>Ypsi--Curiosity, I s'pose?</p>

<p>ypsimama: many LGBT students feel more comfortable in a campus where they are accepted - one way to measure this is the % of LGBT students on campus.</p>

<p>The percentage is <em>far</em> higher than facebook lets on. There was never a university-wide poll, but earlier this year there was a random sample poll given to a few hundred students, including me, as we entered dining halls. It was a generic sex survey, but one of the preliminary questions was orientation. If someone could dig up the article, that'd be helpful... I think it was around Feb or March in YDN and I also think it was about 15% of males that self-identified as gay - which still feels low.</p>