Off campus apartments in College Station?

<p>Hello everyone!</p>

<p>I am a freshman at A&M this year. I am currently living at Hullabaloo. Hullabaloo is nice but it is a bit pricey for a dorm so I am looking at outside apartments to live in next year. </p>

<p>As of right now, Stadium View is at the very top of my list because it looks nice in pictures and the prices are reasonable as well. I've also looked at Callaway Villas, the Lofts and other popular apartments but they're a bit pricey. So can you please give me some tips and advices of the best apartments out there? I would prefer a single room with a kitchen and just new looking, but two rooms apartments are okay as well, as long as we have our own bathrooms and there's a kitchen. I like luxury style and not the old looking apartments. As for pricing, I want it to be around $500 but I know that price range is a little low for what I have in mind. I'm paying $3500 per semester at Hullabaloo right now and a semester has about 5 months so I'm paying about $700 a month as of right now. Even though I'm here in a full scholarship, I still want to get as much of refund money as I can so please help a freshman out! Thanks! :)</p>

<p>Oh and also, let's say a two rooms apartment has the price of $800 a month, does that mean 2 people pay $800 each or is it $800 for two people? I think the first option makes more sense but a part of me hope it's the second option haha. Anyways, sorry if it's a weird question, I'm a first generation college student and I'm also a recent immigrant so I don't really know how all of this college-living-by-yourself works. </p>

<p>Thanks and gig 'em! :D</p>

<p>P.S. I also like balconies, elevators and nice exterior! I like to study outside but if there's a balcony then I guess that works? :]</p>

<p>Have you looked into the Campus Village or The Zone? I’m currently looking too, i’ll be transferring in the Spring… also, when the website states $800 for a two bedroom/ 2 bath or however many bath, you will pay $800 + any other bills not included. Be aware that the price on the website is not the full price you will pay each month. Some, but not all include all bills. Many will ask you to pay probably one bill like electricity or water or something on top of rent. Normally electricity/cable is also split between your roommates. So if its $100 in a two bedroom, you’ll pay $50, so $850 a month. Also of course you pay a deposit… and maybe a parking pass. 4 bedroom + apartments will most likely be the cheapest.</p>

<p>Also be aware that if you live off campus, you will need to purchase dining dollars. I think you can still get a meal plan? I would imagine… plus, transportation so you will be riding the bus each morning if it’s not walking distance. You are not required to purchase a meal plan/ dining dollars if you live off campus so I suppose you could do all your shopping for food at Walmart or something.</p>

<p>The way the apts. work near campus - they have 12 month leases, you pay August-July. Most of the newer units have bathrooms within each room. Prices vary, even within the same complex from week to week based on when you commit to a lease. Prices are for your room within the apt ( more rooms in an apt, the lower the pricing per room) and most organized apt. buildings are rented by the room versus one lease for all the bedrooms. I think you will struggle with the pricing you have in mind for the type of apt you described given no roommates or only 1 roommate. If you want to get closer to that amt. you might want to consider 4-5 bedrooms units.</p>

<p>Agmomx2, I’m transferring this Spring and I am fully aware of the 9-month/ 12-month lease deal. It’s kind of unfortunate since I’m going in the spring, I’d have to sign one of those two leases, and pay rent over the summer?</p>

<p>Yes, almost all of them include the summer period. You either pay yourself or sublet to someone else for that period. There are more apts. than students looking for summer only rentals so it isn’t that easy to sublet but possible- some ask for reduced amt. just to offset some of the costs vs. no rent at all. Also many do end up staying and taking summer courses, doing internships or just working since they have to pay for the apt. anyway.</p>

<p>What do you guys think of The Stack and The Rise? Both of them seemed pretty luxurious and close to campus… maybe a bit expensive.</p>

<p>aggies4life, have you looked into the university owned apartments, The Gardens? They are across the street from campus. You can walk, bike or ride the shuttle bus to campus. I believe you can live there as long as you are classified as a sophomore and up. The apartments are only a couple of years old and are very nice. By living there you do not have to be on a meal plan since the units have a kitchen. By not being on a meal plan, you can save a lot of money per semester. You also won’t have to worry about finding someone to sublet your apartment over the summer since you rent it per semester. Here’s the link that will tell you about the apartments: [University</a> Apartments | Department of Residence Life](<a href=“]University”>Apartments)</p>

<p>The Gardens might be a great option, as Aggiering mentioned. My student stayed there for 2 years. They are fully furnished and all utilities and parking are included. You pay by the room, and there are 2 and 4 bedroom units, but the 2 bedrooms go fast and usually go to the upperclassmen. One plus is that, if you don’t have a roommate, they will assign one. That worked great for my student - they had 3 and needed a fourth. Ended up with only 3 in the apartment but that did not increase their rent. The Stack and The Rise are both very nice, but SO expensive. I have another student living in The Stack this year in a 4 bedroom 4 bath apartment. Seems like everyone we’ve met loves it there. Perfect for my student who doesn’t have a car because it is walking distance to campus. If you do have a car, parking is an extra charge.</p>

<p>Oops - I mis-spoke about the Gardens. They have one bedroom one bath for 2 students, and 2 bedroom 2 bath for 4 students. They always put 2 per room, I believe, but someone will correct me if I am wrong! One other thing - because The Gardens is considered campus housing, they are very flexible with one-semester leases, so many students who are doing study abroad or co-ops live there. That means there will be rooms available for second semester or summer only.</p>

<p>Barfly, starting the fall of 2014, parking will no longer be included. I believe they will charge you what the other surface lots costs. Nevertheless, the Gardens are a great option for students. The apartments are spacious. The bedrooms are a little tight if you have two sharing a room however, with proper furniture placement, it’s comfortable. The closets are walk ins. Also, each unit has a washer and dryer.</p>