Off-campus living and Parking on campus

<p>My daughter is a current UM freshman who is considering moving off campus sophomore year. I have a whole bunch of concerns regarding that, but one of them is on-campus parking. Can anyone address that?</p>

<p>Also, I would be curious what others' experience has been living off campus.</p>

<p>To piggyback this off campus housing thread, I have a few questions. My S will live off campus next year after living three years on campus. When do students start signing leases? Is the office campus supply larger than the demand? Do parents usually have to co-sign to gaurantee the lease? How hefty are the up front deposits? Any insight is appreciated.</p>



<p>I know a little about Red Road Commons apartments. $100 application fee, guarantor required, $900 deposit upon signing</p>

<p>If I recall correctly, the UM radio station announces whitch lots are still open with available spots and which lots are full. Maybe a current student can weigh in on this (son graduated several years ago).</p>

<p>Relative to other universities, parking at UM is not too bad. However, it’s not cheap.</p>

<p>Parking permits are issued based on color. See the map here: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;. The colored zones that are closest to the main buildings are around $470/yr, but the green zone is $240/yr. It’s a 15-20 minute walk from the green zone to the main classroom areas.</p>

<p>This system does a decent job of ensuring that you don’t have to drive around campus looking for a spot. They only issue a limited number of permits per zone, so in theory there will always be a spot for you. The worst time for parking is the first two weeks of class after 11:00 AM. Some people park without permits, and of course everyone shows up for class when the semester begins. Except for this period, I’ve never had any problems finding parking (red zone).</p>