Off campus housing

<p>Anyone know of any good, and not too expensive, options for off campus housing? D did not get selected for the returning student housing lottery. I called Housing and there's a chance she could still get on campus housing as last year some of those who were selected opt out, but there's no guarantee, so probably should start looking now. I don't want to run up huge student loans to pay for an apartment. Within walking distance of campus would be ideal, or at least good access to public transit is a factor because she doesn't have a car. </p>

<p>At this point I don't know what to do. Thanks.</p>

<p>Chances are that you’ll be able to live on campus. Last year everyone who did not get selected in the lottery was able to live on campus.</p>

<p>Of course, it never hurts to plan ahead :slight_smile: This is a form that UM provides to help people find off campus housing: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>That’s about all I can do to help you, because I’ve never lived off campus before.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>“At this point I don’t know what to do. Thanks.”</p>

<p>Maybe let your adult daughter handle her own problems? She’s in college, she should be able to find her own place to live.</p>

<p>Also, often living off campus is cheaper than living on because you don’t have to pay for a ridiculously overpriced meal plan.</p>

<p>Thanks rankinr, that is good news. Maybe housing hasn’t updated the form in a while because every time I tried, even the more than $1300 a month (which I definitely can’t afford), it came back no results. I’ll have to call them again.</p>

<p>MiamiCane, I probably should do that. I’m too far away to help her with apartment hunting anyway.</p>

<p>I didn’t mean to be rude but I and everyone I knew found housing on our own, and it wasn’t too difficult. It will be a little harder for her since she doesn’t have a car. Red Road Commons and University Inn are probably her best bets since they’re across the street from school. The Cloisters are also close and I’m pretty sure those are slightly cheaper. Also, Craigslist is a good way to find a house close to campus.</p>

<p>Red Rd commons is very expensive.
Try Craigslist and have her try and find some seniors in her classes and see where they are living/vacating.</p>