Off campus package delivery options

I just moved into a new place very close to campus. Not too shabby, but there are some issues like package delivery. Medium- large packages can not be left out in front, because USPS deems the situation too unsafe. USPS is right. There’s no porch or lockbox or anything. It’s just the door with a small mailbox and then the sidewalk. Furthermore, the area is kinda sketchy, so I appreciate USPS’s decision.

What are some alternatives, so I don’t have to stay home all day to get a package? I called Resmail and asked if I could still have packages dropped off there, but the answer was no. I could try talking to them in person and explaining the situation, but I feel like the answer will be the same.

Any suggestions??

Do you have a choice in what service the sender uses to send your package? I have had packages that require signatures sent in my name directly to a Fed Ex location and they will hold it for several days until I pick it up. UPS also has a service like that called UPS My Choice.