Off-campus rental period

<p>I know the rental period is 12 months unless you find a summer sublet or something but when does it start? Is it May-April or Aug-July. Just wondering if we will have to put things in storage or apartment will be available right away. I would think seniors wouldn’t be paying for the summer and/or if you weren’t staying in the apt the next year you wouldn’t want to pay utilities or be responsible for it if you weren’t there.</p>

<p>Depends on the school. Many do May- April, may be set based on graduation. Summer usually is tacked on at the beginning so you don’t leave at the end of the spring term and not pay the summer portion. Ask the landlord when you call for info/visit. Will also be in the lease.</p>

<p>Ours was 12 months, Aug to July. Read your leases carefully!! Some have clauses that charge you if you need to sublet and some do not authorize sublets at all. DD was at Sterling Crimson. We had to pay the, $350 to get out of the lease and that was only after we found someone to assume it. From what I understand they don’t do sublets? It was confusing. I am glad we are out. DD is in the sorority house until her Senior year and if all works according to her plan she will live there until she graduates.</p>

<p>So I’m reading through leases now and this is a clause I’ve never seen: A moving deposit. You would think a security deposit would cover this.</p>

<p>Any resident moving in or out of the Condominium Property must schedule such move
with, and pay a $500.00 deposit to, the Management Company at least one (1) week in advance of the move. Prior to the move, a walk-through of the general area of the move will be conducted by an appointed agent to determine the pre-existing condition of the Condominium Property. After the move, a walk-through of the general area of the move will be conducted by an appointed agent before any portion of the deposit will be returned. The cost to repair any damage caused by the move will be deducted from the $500.00 deposit. If the cost to repair any damage caused by the move exceeds the deposit, a special assessment will be made against the Unit Owner of the Unit in which the moving resident lives or lived.</p>

<p>The Bluffs at Waterworks Landing is August -July.</p>

<p>S seems to be focused on Crimson Place. It is on the Bama approved list, that was my criteria. Anyone familiar with it? It looks very nice, although I’m not a fan of carpet in units, but I guess it helps with noise.</p>

hey, I also want to move to Crimson Place. Did your daughter like it.

It depends on the property, they all differ but the general trend is aug-july before the first renewal.

MODERATOR’S NOTE: Please don’t resurrect old threads. This one was started in 2012.