Off the waitlist, and into my dream school!

<p>Squee! I'm usually more eloquent than this, but I've become incoherent with excitement! I KNEW I qualified to be in, wasn't too crazy a stretch, so I'd set my heart on it. And finally, today, I did get in! I called the admissions staff weekly and sent them an incredibly heartfelt e-mail, because when I got my itty-bitty envelope back in March, I was completely devastated. Finally, I no longer have to dread the college question, and I can answer it with assurance and pride! I'm so thrilled. God works in mysterious ways, but now, after months of having no faith in humanity, justice is restored! Haha, squee!</p>

<p>Geneseo is not that great… at all… :frowning: but im glad you got in!I remember i was really glad when I got in to Geneseo :D</p>

<p>Congrats on the acceptance. I’m headed to Geneseo and I’ve never visited it so I can’t speak for whether its good or bad and rawrcookie might have some valid points from time to time but just remember, for every 1 person who is posting negatively on the internet about a school there are like 50 others enjoying themselves and actually living their lives</p>

<p>congrats… i am curious to know how financial aid works when you get in on the waitlist.</p>

<p>CONGRATS! Just curious, how did they contact to you to let you know that you were offered a spot off of the wait list? What did they say? Thanks for the info!</p>