Off-Topic Essay

<p>I know that an off-topic essay receives a score of zero... i think i may have interpreted the essay prompt today incorrectly-- how off-topic does a essay have to be to get a zero??</p>

<p>do you think conformity can be relevant to planning?</p>


<p>what does 10char mean :X</p>

<p>you need to have a certain number of characters per post.</p>

<p>anyone have an answer?</p>

<p>You will only receive a score of 0 if your topic is ‘‘how can people become wiser’’ and you write about ‘‘should we always stride for perfection’’</p>

<p>dang man. i was in the middle of my essay about to start my final conclusion and i got cut off…does not finishing automatically get me a 3 or something? this sucks</p>

<p>no, i know people that had no conclusions and still manage 12s</p>

<p>I did really well,i wrote 3-4 intoductory part,2 examples from soccer and personal life,2 conclusion sentances,used some SAT words and phrases and filled the whole 2 pages to the last possible line.Hoping for a 12 on the essay and 760-800 on writing</p>