<p>I got rejected from UC Davis and it was my top school. I applied as political science and was really hoping I could get in. The appeal committee gives you their decision on april 30th i think. Does anyone know what the appeal chances are for this school?</p>
<p>I appealed too and Davis is also my top choice I heard last year that not many people got in but hopefully this year it’s different! <em>fingers crossed</em></p>
<p>oh really? we’ll know in… 2 weeks though!</p>
<p>I’m in the same position I can’t wait till the decisions release</p>
<p>Did anyone appeal to any other colleges? What colleges did you guys get into?</p>
<p>I only appealed to Davis. I got waitlisted at Irvine and accepted into sb, but irvine and davis are my top.</p>
<p>hey guys! where can i find the appeal form ?!? I just got rejected and i’m going to appeal but I have no idea where and how to submit it?</p>
<p>i’m a transfer btw. When is the deadline to submit the form and when will they release the appeal decisions for transfers !??!! Thanks!!</p>
<p>What I did was google “uc Davis appeal” and I think that the first or second link that comes up take you to the page</p>
<p>ok thank you! i just found it!!! but when will they post the appeal decisions !?</p>
<p>@formomilan On the site it says by April 30th for freshmen and May 31st for transfers</p>
<p>The appeal chances are pretty slim actually from i’ve been told.</p>
<p>But you’re not alone, i appealed my decision to UC Davis and i got a letter from them saying i got in, thanks in part to the ETS program in my school. By any chance, did anyone get that letter too?</p>
<p>Is that program something you signed up for? But it’s probably too late huh</p>
<p>@alpha47!!! What did you write about may I ask?? When did you appeal and when did they get back to you?? Thank you! </p>
<p>I wrote mine last weekend & went over the word limit so i’m going to cut it shot and leave the most important info but I am not completely sure =|</p>
<p>@alpha47 does it show your acceptance on the portal? Your a freshman applicant right?</p>
<p>@ucdavis489: Pretty much. I got in through my M.E.S.A class last fall. And yeah, i think it is too late. </p>
<p>@formomilan: Actually, it was a false alarm. I called the Trio Office at Davis this morning and they told me my appeal was still pending even though the letter says I’ve been accepted. Not only that, they told me i didn’t even qualify for the Trio scholars program at Davis anyways, it was all just one big mistake. I feel like i got rejected twice. But basically, i wrote about how my mother lost her job early in the year which resulted in me taking care of my younger siblings and lowering my grade in Ap Spanish to get my first D ever but showed how i raised it. I later talked about why i wanted to go to UC Davis. I sent mine in last week also, the 14th to be exact. I sent 6 letters of recommendations, and 3 other documents backing up my appeal. And same here! It said i had gone over the limit though my word count was exactly 347 words.
So yeah, sorry to get your hopes up guys, my hopes were pretty much crushed when i called.</p>
<p>I guess we’ll find out by next week! Best of luck to us!</p>
<p>@reeeyes: Nah, that was the thing i was suspicious about when i got that letter but i figured since i got it yesterday on Sunday, they didn’t have anyone to change it till today though of course my hunch was right. And yes i am.</p>
<p>Just wondering, but what were your guys appeals about? And what were your gpa/sats/act,ect…? </p>
<p>To be honest, the waiting is killing me. :(</p>
<p>My gpa when I applied was 3.68. But I got a 4.4 first semester and 4.8 second semester.
I also got a D junior year in AP Physics one semester, but i retook it this year, and had submitted the uc app before officially replacing the grade. My SAT was a 2130, and I applied for Bio Sci. I mentioned that my deficient grade was because of depression from the death of my grandmother, but then noted that I raised the grade to a B the following semester. Based on the retaking of the physics grade, my UC GPA rises to a 3.86, and with first & second semester senior year it rises to a 4.07.</p>
<p>I got 5 letters of rec, and attached a graph showing my gradual improvement in my GPA’s. I based most of my appeal on the fact that I raised my GPA to a 4.4/4.8, while retaking Physics and recieving an A, as well as being part of a lot of EC’s. I mentioned some research about faculty in my major that I’d be interested in, and how it’ll help my frequently ill Dad. </p>
<p>I’m not confident that I’ll get in, but I hope I do. Otherwise, I’m considering University of Oregon and Loyola Marymount University. It’s getting really late though, and I haven’t submitted my SIR to any colleges because I’m waiting for Davis.</p>
<p>Ahh i see. Your GPA is way higher than mine, which was a 3.41 when i applied though its a 3.7 now i believe. Honestly, i think you will get in, though i don’t wanna get your hopes up. And same here! I haven’t submitted my SIR to any other college though if Davis denies me again, off to Sac State for me.</p>
<p>But dang, i’m really sorry about your grandmother. </p>
<p>To be honest, i think the 350 word limit was a bit tough to be honest, but oh well. We’ll find out next week i guess!</p>