OFFICIAL 2014 African American Results Thread

<p>OH lord Starlight. It’s ludicrous that you got deferred. I got rejected. :frowning: But it’s all good. Maybe Yale just wasn’t for me. Good luck in the RD round!</p>

<p>What were your stats, thefranchize9?!?</p>

Math IIC: 660
Biology: 730
Literature: 640 (didn’t send)
I’m retaking the SAT in Jan for a 2100+.</p>

<p>ACT: 30
English: 33
Math: 31
Reading: 30
Science: 27</p>

<p>AP US: 3
AP Euro: 4
AP Bio: 5</p>

7 AP/IB Courses
6 Honors Courses</p>

<p>School does not rank or calculate GPA.</p>

<p>State: NJ
School: Small Extremely Competitive Private
Ethnicity: Black: Haitian - I came to America when I was four</p>

Captain of Cross Country Team (Varsity)
Captain of Track Team (Varsity)
Founder and President of Improv. Club-it currently has 20 members and is very active in the community.
Vice President of Whole School Concert Choir
Lead Actor in church acting troupe
I’m part of school’s advanced choir
Lead role in Winter Musical</p>

<p>Academic Awards:
AP Scholar Award
National Achievement Scholar</p>

<p>Athletic Awards:
Prep Champion 2008 XC Season
Second Team All Conference Champion
Numerous Medals
2008 XC Season
15th Overall at 2009 State Meet in 400m
2009 XC Season
Top 20 at NA Invitational
State Champion – Team 3rd Place – Meet of Champions
1st team all-conference champion</p>

CVS from July 2008-May 2009
Office Manager - Summer 2009</p>

<p>Oh wow…-_-</p>

<p>Wow! Weird! I got the exact same score for Bio (M), and Lit and I left Jamaica when I was 4 XD</p>

<p>Your ECs and Sports though are amazing o__o;</p>

<p>I got accepted to Stanford. :)</p>

<p>Congratsss wow!</p>

<p>Haha, thanks kalamari! Congrats on Stanford Chrisakelly!! U must be so excited!!</p>

<p>Chrisakelly, what are your stats? Did you do the SATIIs</p>

<p>Chris is a Questbridge finalist. So am I.</p>

<p>@Chris: Never see you around the fb group anymore. A few more people got into schools. There were a few MITers.</p>

<p>Were you all in the MITES group/summer program there? Either way it is great that Chis is in Stanford.</p>

<p>Don’t make fun of me please. There’s only like 10 people in my school who score like you guys do… >_></p>

<p>Accepted: University of Alabama and Florida State University (both Honors college) with scholarship offers
Objective: Management Information Systems
[<em>] SAT: 610 M, 690 CR, 670 W (1970 total)
[</em>] SAT IIs: none
[<em>] ACT: 27 (didn’t submit)
[</em>] GPA: 3.6 UW, 4.1 W
[<em>] Rank:50/386 (only IB school in county and surrounding cities so it’s kinda hard to get in and stay in)
[</em>] Ap Courses: 0
[<em>]Honors/pre-IB: 10
[</em>] IB Courses: 12 classes (some are 2 year courses), 7 exams for college credit
[<em>] Other stats:
[</em>] Essays: excellent, but I had one entire sentence that got screwed up when I pasted it from MSWord
[<em>] Teacher Recs: Not required unless you get deferred
[</em>] Counselor Rec: same as above
[<em>] Hook (if any): black, first gen college student
[</em>] State or Country: Fl
[<em>] School Type:
[</em>] Gender: M
[<em>] major strength/weakness: writing, computer skills
[</em>] why you think you were accepted/rejected/deferred where you were: not sure
[<em>] significant awards/recongitions:
IB Diploma Candidate
VFW Voice of Democracy 1st place District Essay
2010 National Achievement Semi-Finalist
Ventures Scholar
2009 National Leadership Summit Invitee
[</em>] summer activities:
[/ul]Other Factors:
Lots of community service hours at various locations (Salvation Army, Homeless Shelters, tutoring center for underprivileged kids, assisting at the Hands are not for Hurting program, reading to kids at B&N, etc.)</p>

<p>Dnerd, you didn’t apply to any Ivies? You seem like a competitive applicant.</p>

<p>yeah right… lol</p>

<p>Ok, if you say so.</p>

<p>So jealous of you caltennis, I’m applying to Wellesley as well :slight_smile: RD</p>

<p>^Hey, sis! Wow, I’ve never actually seen you on a thread I read before. Weird…</p>

<p>@MorganSimone and thefranchize9: Thank you and yes, I’m very excited!
@collegesgirl: Yes, I did go to MITES. :slight_smile: That had to be the best summer of my life!</p>

Accepted: Georgia Tech, and Stanford
Objective: Particle Physics</p>

<pre><code>* SAT: 660 CR, 710 M, 680 W

  • SAT IIs: 770 Math 1, 730 Math 2, and 680 Chemistry (2180 total)
  • ACT: 31 (twice)
  • GPA: 4.0 UW, 4.1 W
  • Rank:4/133
  • Ap Courses: 6


<pre><code>* State or Country: GA

  • School Type: Small Public
  • Gender: M
  • major strength/weakness: writing, computer skills, math, physics
  • why you think you were accepted/rejected/deferred where you were: strong essays and scores
  • significant awards/recongitions:
    2010 National Achievement Semi-Finalist

<p>@usagi2292: Yes, I haven’t really had time to be on Facebook much. :frowning: Where were you matched with?</p>

<p>Congratulations Kelly. Which did you decide to go to(I’m guessing Stanford)?</p>

<p>^^^ I haven’t decided yet. I also applied to MIT and I won’t hear from them till March. MIT is my top choice, so I’ll probably go there if I’m accepted, but yes, if I don’t, I will proudly go to Stanford. :)</p>