OFFICIAL 2014 African American Results Thread

<p>Both are amazing choices. MIT has a great physics program and Stanford has an even better one.</p>

<p>I posted earlier asking about ED restrictions then I noticed those are both Early Action Schools. The school I’m going for next year is ED and all I knew was that they were binding.</p>

<p>wow i wish i had your scores chrisakelly</p>

<p>Thank you Malibu and razor!!</p>

<p>Hmm I got rejected by MIT but got into USC Columbia and college of charleston yay</p>

<p>SAT I (by section): 760 R, 750 M, 710 W
SAT IIs: Math II 790 and Chemistry pending
APs: 3 US History, 4 on AP English Language and 5 on AP Bio

  • GPA: 4.0 W; 3.0 UW; yeah I know it’s terrible
    Rank: 90 something of 413</p>


<p>ECs listed on app: youth group, science team, math team, paw and claws club, volunteer tutor
Job/Work Experience: N/A

  • Essays (subject and responses): Decent
  • Teacher Recs: Chemistry teacher, excellent rec; math teacher, hopefully great
    Counselor Rec: should have been good, she told me she thought I was a great person
  • Hook (if any): somewhat personal story in essays that explains a hurdle I’ve overcome, black
    *Awards: National merit and achievement, AP scholar </p>


<li>State or Country: South Carolina</li>
<li>School Type, Average Stats of School (if available): Public, average combined SAT score 1460 , average GPA 3.35 (weighted)</li>
<li>Ethnicity: Black</li>
<li>Gender: Male</li>

<p>Senior Schedule:
AP Calculus BC (double blocked)
AP Chemistry (double blocked)
AP English IV
AP Government
Chemistry Lab Assistant
Honors Econ

<p>wow i wish i got accepted to good schools i got reject to Dartmouth, Pittsburgh, & waitlisted to drexel</p>

<p>Oh and I mean I got into the USC in Columbia, SC not the Ivy league school in NY</p>

<p>bump ???</p>

<p>I got into UF yesterday, but my stats are posted in post #72. I kinda feel bad since I’m not going there and I know a few people with stats slightly lower than mine who got rejected, and a spot might have been open for them if I didn’t apply =/</p>


I got a $10,000 scholarship so far from UCF, waiting on my other choices, so basically wait and see.</p>

<p>[ *] SAT: Verbal 580 Math 590 Writing 550
[ *] SAT IIs: too bad to say…
[ *] ACT: 26
[ *] GPA: UW 3.56 W 5.0
[ *] Rank: 3/413
[ *] Ap Courses: AP Literature AP Physics (There’s a limit on how many AP classes you can take at my school)
[ *] Other stats:</p>

<p>[ *] Essays: Okay, I think, lol!
[ *] Teacher Recs: I don’t know, I didn’t see it
[ *] Counselor Rec: I don’t know, I didn’t see it
[ *] Hook (if any): um yeah, were all URM, lol!</p>

<p>[ *] State or Country: Florida
[ *] School Type: Public
[ *] Gender: Female
[ *] major strength/weakness: Weakness SAT Scores
[ *] why you think you were accepted/rejected/defered where you were: I don’t know
[ *] significant awards/recongitions: Nothing Special
[ *] summer activities: Internship at Law Firm, and etc.
[ /list][ b]Other Factors:[ /b]</p>

<p>Good Luck Everyone ! Congrats To All!</p>

<p>I can’t wait to hear back from colleges so I can post something in this thread other than ‘congrats!’! April 1st is too faarr away! But, on the other hand, I’m glad it’s not here yet, because I don’t want to get rejected :(</p>

<p>As of now, I’m 6 for 6. I’m waiting for the U of I decisions to be posted tomorrow at 5 central, I think. I would put up my stats, but I’ll just do a grand summary at the end in april and where I choose to go. For now, you can have a list of where I applied and was accepted. (In no particular order) :)</p>

University of Illinois
Vanderbilt (Accepted)
University of Wisconsin (Accepted)
University of Iowa (Accepted)
Iowa State (Acccepted)
Notre Dame
Marquette (Accepted)
Illinois State (Accepted)
University of Chicago</p>

<p>P.S. I guess if you really want, you can guess my scores. lol</p>

<p>I’m not telling where I applied until I know I’m accepted</p>

<p>Oh, no offense Mouse, I’m just a scaredy cat</p>

<p>No rejections just yet. But so far, I’ve been accepted into Howard (presidential scholarship), Hampton (trustee scholarship), St. Johns (presidential scholarship), Hunter CUNY (no word on $ yet), and have a likely letter from Columbia. Still waiting to hear back from HYP, UChicago, Georgetown, and the CUNY Honors program. </p>

[<em>] SAT: 2270 - 800CR, 710M, 760W
[</em>] SAT IIs: 800-U.S. History; 700-Math II; 790-Literature
[<em>] ACT: did not take
[</em>] GPA: 97.6% UW; 101.0711%W
[<em>] Rank: 3
[</em>] Ap Courses: 10 AP (took U.S., World, Env. Sci., and Eng. Lang. w/ 5s in all); 10 Honors courses & 8 ridiculously hard electives that murdered my gpa (no matter what anyone tells you, knowing electrical engineering will NOT make you a better writer)
[<em>] Other stats: I dunno. Nat’l Achievement; Nat’l Merit Commended; various piano, violin, and MUN awards; Math fair awards; published in some nat’l publications and winner of some local contests
[</em>] Essays: Well, I guess they liked it. It was brutally short. I found it to be a short summary of myself. My mommy called it romantic nonsense. :o</p>

<p>[li] Teacher Recs: Both were okay, I guess.</p>[/li]
<p>[li] Counselor Rec: When I found out that she had written only 3 sentences, I cried. But I guess that worked out fine too.</p>[/li]
<p>[<em>] Hook (if any): um yeah, were all URM! And being Haitian adds to the cool factor, no?
[</em>] State or Country: NY
[<em>] School Type: Crappy underachieving public school
[</em>] Gender: F</p>

<p>[li] major strength/weakness: I can talk at length while exhibiting no signs of exhaustion. And exaggeration is my strong suit. But my weaknesses probably lay in my low math scores. And my electives grades were not so hot. But in the interview, I explained that they were pretty darn hard. My rank wasn’t amazing, either, when you consider the val only applied to a local Tier 4 school. -_-</p>[/li]
<p>[li] why you think you were accepted/rejected/defered where you were: My interviewer was a great guy. And the adcom must have been having one heckuva day. If I’m rejected from the other schools (and I probably will be rejected from a few) it’ll probably be because my app just a. wasn’t as strong as that of the other applicants or b. there were >22,000 other applicants. :D</p>[/li]
<p>[li] significant awards/recongitions: I dunno. Best Otaku of my school’s Class of 2010?</p>[/li]
<p>[li] summer activities: I read manga and Descartes. And I ran 10+ miles daily only to injure myself before the start of the sports seasons. And I wrote terrible computer programs.<br>[/li][/ul]Other Factors: Jesus loves me. And he loves you, too.</p>

<p>No offense taken. And I just got accpeted into University of Illinois business college! That’s 7 acceptances in 7 decisions for me!</p>

<p>^Congrats, Mouse. And in reference to a previous post of yours, I’ll guess that your scores were pretty high. Do I smell a 99th percentile? ;)</p>

<p>I’m really regretting that I didn’t apply to more state schools now… :'(</p>

<p>Congrats mouse! How many schools did you apply too? I’ve only been accepted to one instate school MSU, hopefully I will have more news in the future :)</p>

<p>Honestly 14, I wanted to stop at 7. But my dad made me do more. He was all like “you’re not paying for anything what do you care?” so i ended up copy and pasting essays. lol. And my GPA is between a 3.5 and a 4.0 (weighted) And my ACT score is (sadly) not in the 99th percentile, but when I took it last april I was in the 96th :slight_smile: Those are the only hints im gonna give. Haha</p>

<p>yea i applied to about 10. I wanted to apply to them all though! I’m almost guaranteed a spot at UofM because I live in MI, i have legacy, and my school and everything. Since its a good school I’d be happy there, so I applied to some top schools just to see if I get in, even if I dont I’d be happy with Michigan so why not.</p>