OFFICIAL 2016 African American Results Thread

<p>So…who wants to make the “final decision!” thread? :)</p>

<p>Here are stats for anyone who cares:</p>

<p>SAT I (breakdown): 1910 (680 CR, 590 M, 640 W)</p>

<p>ACT: 30 (35 English, 27 Math, 30 Reading, 27 Science, 35 English/Writing Combined)</p>

<p>SAT II: 700 Literature, 730 US History</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0</p>

<p>Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 6/95</p>

<p>AP (place score in parenthesis): World History (3), European History (5), U.S. History (5), English Language & Composition (5)</p>

<p>Senior Year Course Load: AP Human Geography, AP Literature & Composition, AP Art History, Honors Physics, Honors American Gov/Economics (AP not offered), and some honors creative writing courses</p>

<p>Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): National Achievement Finalist, Presidential Scholar in the Arts Semifinalist, some regional and national writing awards</p>

<p>Where were you accepted: Columbia, Georgetown, Wake Forest, Duke, University of Florida
Did you get any scholarships/ Honors program: Kluge Scholar at Columbia (some grants), Joseph G. Gordon Scholarship finalist at Wake (didn’t win it haha), Reginaldo Howard scholarship winner for Duke (full-ride), Honors program and Platinum Scholar scholarship at UF</p>

SAT: 1420/1600, 2160/2400
SAT IIs: 800 Lit, 780 World History, 740 Bio
ACT: 32
GPA: 4.7 weighted 4.0 unweighted
Rank: 5/700
Ap Courses: all AP and IB
Other stats: umm
Essays: wrote about missions trip/service, taking a risk by tap dancing in my school’s pageant show, SGA etc
Teacher Recs: probably very good
Counselor Rec: excellent
Hooks: URM
[ b]Location/Person:**
State or Country: Florida
School Type: Public, ~3,000 students
Gender: Male
major strength/weakness: Good GPA and scores (after retesting) ok extracurriculars (I wish I had stayed with a sport)
significant awards/recognitions:NHS, spanish honor society, Mu Alpha Theta math honor society, Medallions of Excellence (given by local newspaper), Elk Student of the Month, National Achievement Scholarship winner, AP Scholar with Distinction…
summer activities: tons and tons of community service at hospital and at Summer Art program, missions trip with youth group to Tennessee and Kentucky, medical mission trip to Tanzania</p>

<p>Where were you accepted:
Claremont McKenna
Dartmouth (waitlisted)</p>


<p>Did you get any scholarships/ Honors program: No</p>

<p>Stats:• SAT: 2100 . 800 CR, 650 M, 650 W
• SAT IIs: 780 biology e, 700 literature
• ACT: N/A
• GPA: 3.89 unweighted
• Rank: 23/450
• Ap Courses: chemistry,biology, physics, calculus, english lit
• Other stats:
• Essays: good- I worked hard on them
• Teacher Recs: good
• Counselor Rec: okay (don’t really know my counselor)
• Hooks: URM
Location/Person:• State or Country: Washington
• School Type: public
• Gender: female
• major strength/weakness: strength: all around good kid?
weakness: SAT
• why you think you were accepted/rejected/deferred where you were: still kind of shocked
• significant awards/recognitions: national achievement commended, local paper featured my community service, NHS, Varsity tennis, biology scholar at my school
• summer activities:<br>
Other Factors:</p>

<p>Girl007 - where will you be going in the fall?</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone on all of your success!! I would like to suggest that an “extracurricular activities (place leadership in parenthesis)” category be added to the stats. I believe that is a very important component to an application and we could all benefit from sharing that information.</p>

<p>Facedownclap-- umm</p>

<p>i think a leadership section would be a good idea. but, many people might not want to be specific about ECs (like me) because it is identifying, especially if they are unique.</p>

<p>i put the wrong bio score but oh well</p>


<p>Girl007- what are your stats? Congrats on Harvard.</p>

<p>see my post on 5/21/2012</p>